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Yabuta Outlaws is a minor Hostile Faction. The Yabuta Outlaws are created after the character Yabuta of the Sands is released from Tengu's Vault. Despite ostensibly created under the leadership of Yabuta, he is nowhere to be found in this faction.

Members of this faction can colour armour and clothing due to a colour scheme attached.



 Faction Relations[]

This faction has no special relations with any factions. Their default relation is -100.

Player Relations[]

The reasons for this faction to have a non-zero relation towards you.

  • This faction is hostile to player no matter what.


The Yabuta Outlaws do not patrol any zones as Homeless Spawns.

There are no locations which the Yabuta Outlaws control.

World States
If certain World States are achieved, this faction can be found patrolling Bast, Grey Desert, Heng, Sinkuun, Skimsands, The Great Desert, and The Hook.
Town Overrides

Depending on World States, these locations can be controlled by this faction.

Mapico-watchtower Fort Yabuta (initially named Fort Simion)
Mapico-town Stoat


  • Despite the fact that this faction is created when Yabuta of the Sands is freed from prison, he never officially becomes a member of the Yabuta Outlaws, nor do the members of the faction recognize you as the one who rescued Yabuta.