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The other one is still running here. Watch out for the sky.

Skeleton Player Characters

Venge consists of heated valleys and mountains. The most distinctive feature of Venge are the laser beams that damage anyone who is not wearing 100% Burn resistance armor (except the Skeletons) with cut damage.

Player characters may also comment that Venge is "where the gutters come to hunt for spiders." Although Beak Things and Blood Spiders as well as Iron Spiders can spawn in this area, the primary dangers are large squads of Weak Thralls.


There are no Major Towns in Venge. This zone does not spawn Nests or Camps.

Minor Outposts[]

These locations are typically small towns, villages, or faction bases.

Ancient Locations[]

These are places which do not have competent inhabitants. Ancient Locations are usually lost outposts or ruins. Beware: sometimes these locations contain territorial protectors such as Security Spiders.

Homeless Spawns[]

These are squads which spawn without being tied to a location, camp, or nest. This list is in order of likelihood.


These are the modifiers which are linked to this zone on FCS.
Water 70% Fertility 100%

Environment Resources
Arid 100% Stone 100
Green 10% Iron 100
Swamp 0% Copper 80

Before building an outpost, players should find information about specific areas through Prospecting.

Though this area has some fertile land, the majority of the region sits at 0% fertility.


This zone has the 'venge' season. Seasons may cause harmful Weather Effects or be purely aesthetic.

  • Desert-dust-swirls WEATHER
  • Desert Calm hot 0.6
  • Venge beams



  • If you do not want to risk the lasers, it is best to venture this zone at night since the lasers only come on during the day. The best time to head into Venge would be 23:00, and the best time to find cover would be 05:00.
  • When inside a building a character will not take damage from the beams. This includes being on the top floor. Care should be taken, though, when loading a save indoors, as if a beam happens to spawn on top of a character, they will take damage for a short time until the game registers that the unit is indoors.