Kenshi Wiki
Kenshi Wiki
This weapon is probably a few hundred years old, any indentifiable[sic] markings have long since rusted away.

–In-game description

Unknown weapons are weapons which have no identifiable manufacturers.


Unknown weapons have no identifiable manufacturer due to being oxidized by nature and are particularly low-grade. Their quality is generally weak and very unsuitable for combat. But on the upside, they're extremely cheap to buy. They deal less damage than any other manufacturer. Various bandit groups such as Starving Bandits and Dust Bandits often wield weapons made by this manufacturer.

Consider using weapons of this grade for training attack, dexterity and defense as at Rusted junk quality you'll get more experience, on top of doing less damage when compared to the other manufacturers.


  • Price: 0.3x
  • Blunt Damage: 1x
  • Cut Damage: 1x
  • Min Cut Damage: 1x
  • Weight: 1x


  • Rusted junk (Also has modifier of -1 attack as well as -1 defense)
  • Rusting blade


  • There was once a third grade of Unknown weapon below Rusted Junk called Totally Rusted Junk.