Kenshi Wiki
Kenshi Wiki

Trader's Edge is a settlement in Heng, territory of the United Cities. Although it's run by Traders Guild, the United Cities protects its entrance. It is located on a plateau next to the city Heng and connected by a metal bridge.

This is also the home of the Traders Guild HQ. Inside the HQ is their leader Longen, as well as a potential recruit Yamdu.

The economy of this town relies on supplies from Stone Camp, South Stone Camp and Eyesocket, the same as Heng.

The player can often time encounter Harmothoe's trade caravan in Trader's Edge or it's neighboring city, Heng.

It is the location of the "Wandering Trader" game start.

Traders Edge


Buildings for Sale[]

Town overrides[]

Trader's Edge can be affected by a few World States.

