Kenshi Wiki
Kenshi Wiki

Tools are an item that can be bought and sold to make a very small profit. They are sold by Trade Goods Traders.  

They can also be used in the construction of Thief Training Boxes and to open locked containers without requiring the Lockpicking skill. 

The higher your strength level the faster they work.


  • Stacks in sizes of 4



  • If you wait until the Tools almost break a lock and then cancel your action (R), you can then choose to break the lock using Strength so that the Tools are not consumed (as it weakens the lock STR wise).
  • Multiple characters can use Tools at the same time to speed up the process.
  • Tools and Hacksaw work identically to each other.
  • Tools are required to be in your inventory to be used. Attempting to use one from inside a bag will not work.