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Tech Hunter's Notes: Leviathan Coast
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
"There are likely good sources of valuable equipment in this area, if you don't mind crossing the Cannibal Plains. Recommended you read "Lam's Survival" volume 3."


Tech Hunter's Notes: Pool of Obedience
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Someone has spilled ink all over this book, likely a simple accident. Nothing of significance is readable anymore.
Tech Hunter's Notes: Shopper's Guide
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-By Hunter Edjack (retired)

Cashing in your loot after a hunt and looking for some new gear? Can't find a bloody decent shop that has what you are looking for?

I compiled this guide from memory, after a lifetime of travelling. It may not be completely accurate, time passes, shopkeepers get eaten by cannibals and so on. But anyway, hopefully it will help people out.

WEAPONS: Catun of course has the most famous weapon smith, but don't forget Heng, it has one of the best weapon shops around. None of these compare to the Scraphouse in Black Desert City, but that's probably not somewhere you want to go.

CROSSBOWS: The two Tech Hunter towns are best for this, as well as Mongrel if you don't mind dealing with the fog. Black Scratch is good too.

ARMOUR: Heft is the best place I found. Can't think of any other place, unless you count that stupid rumour about Armour King.

ROBOTICS: Black Desert City again, has a great selection taken from dead Skeletons. Mongrel is also a great source for robotics, high demand for legs there obviously... If you are desperate you can always go to the Hivers for some cheap legs, it's better than crawling.

BLUEPRINTS: The library of Black Scratch is the place you want to go, they sell every book and blueprint known to man.

Tech Hunter's Notes: The Ashlands
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
"The Ashlands are officially un-survivable, all previous expeditions there have resulted in the total loss of the teams. It's recommended that excursions keep to the surrounding areas, which should have some good finds."


"I reckon I can do it. Don't even need 'ta go through Sonorous. The Ashland Drifters did it didn't they? I just need to find me a squad that are willing. Buncha' cowards." --Trepp

"The transitory lands around it are the problem. Stobe's Gamble covers a huge area, and then you would have to get through Sonorous Dark somehow. The loss of life would be devastating. Even then, you'd have to survive it all again on the way back." --Zed

"Hypothetically, the key would be to establish an outpost nearby in the Pits. Then you could use it as a jump-off point." --Fish

Tech Hunter's Notes: The Ashlands pt II
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Here's the complete transcript of my interview with Stone-Head, the last surviving member of the Ashland Drifters. He's hard to understand and tends to wander off topic, but there is surely some priceless information in there somewhere about how to reach the Ashlands.


"Dere's tree ways in, see? Dere's de pits past da big sad skeleton, but wid loadsa gangs and crazies tryna pinch you wid dey're stupid crabs, see? An' den yer got gorrillers and bats runnin' around de acid and de smoke mountin's. Did yer knew some snipers can shoot a man's arm off from a kilometer away? It's pretty funny, I laffed when old Cobby's arm flew off an' he woudn't talk ta me fer a week..."

[Here he started laughing non-stop for about 5 minutes] [Transcript cut for brevity]

"...An' den dere's de 'ives. We tried dem first an' had to go back. HAW! Was me favorit. Wouldya think dey were dat strong, eh? Wouldyatinkit? I remeber when..."

[Transcript cut for brevity, after a while he get's a haunted look]

"...but it don't matter in de end see... No matter wat way you go in de end you gonna meet them... You don' wanna meet dem... dey peeled Cobby an' Stram an' half o' Mex Ted... "

[At this point he trails off and stares into space for 10 minutes, he doesn't respond to external stimuli and the interview ends]

Tech Hunter's Notes: The Black Desert
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
"The Black Desert isn't hospitible for anything other than Skeletons. Organics should cover themselves with boots and longcoats. The city is a good place to trade for some unusual techs. If you see any twisters get the hell out of there."


"Make sure you wear yerself a nice hat. Oh and some good boots, or yer feet will melt." --Trepp

Tech Hunter's Notes: The Holy Nation
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
"The Holy Nation hates technology and isn't sitting on anything good either, the problem is crossing it to get to all the good un-explored stuff in the north. They don't like non-human races, if you're attempting a crossing you need at least one human male in your squad that can act the part of a master."


"It pays to carry one of their holy books too, in case you need to bluff your way out of a situation with the paladins. Skeletons are attacked on sight, so you'll just have to go around in that case." --Iyo

"Don't go to that bloody place. Freakin' Paladins climbin' up yer arse every ten paces tryin' to tell you yer clothes are wrong or some crap. Ended up I had to fight me way outta there 'cus I offended some shiny-hatted chump an' he got all angry and tried to stab me. Had to deck a few of 'em but there were loads of the buggers. Ever fought yer way out of an entire country before? Bloody chaos I can tell you. Me squad was pretty pissed at me after that one. Ha! Good laugh though." --Trepp

Tech Hunter's Notes: The Shrieking Forest
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
"I found the Shireking Folk to simply be misunderstood nomads. My attempts to communicate seemed to calm them down and they continued on their way, screaming merrily as they ran"


"I believe these people have been the victims of some kind of horror and become un-hinged. Their minds are broken, and they are violent and feral, this is all that can be said for sure." --Iyo

"Don't follow Dr Swimmer's advice, that's how our last captain got stabbed." --Anonymous

"That place was hilarious!" --Trepp

Tech Hunter's Notes: The Swamps
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
"Our expedition to establish a deep swamp outpost was a total failure. We just didn't come equipped with the appropriate tech, it's no place for a simple outpost. There's no wind for the generators, regular crops can't be grown there, the damn raptors are bigger and meaner, and don't even get me started on the goddamned spiders..."


"I don't know how the Swampers survive in that place, everything is trying to eat you or your supplies. It was only supposed to be a simple scouting run so I took a bunch of rookies with us, that was a mistake. Only 3 of them made it back. That waystation saved our lives I think." --Anonymous

"You better be good at carrying people 'cus yer gonna be carryin' most of yer damn squad through that damn swamp while the friggin' blood spiders be bitin' at yer heels. Don't leave any of yer woundeds alone for ten minutes or yer gonna come back to a pile o' clothes and a goddam empty sack o' skin!" --Trepp

"So yes, there's probably some tech to be dug up somewhere in there, but I don't think it's worth it." --Fish

Tech Hunter's Notes Series is a way of learning about certain Zones before exploring them. They are published and distributed by the Tech Hunters.

Many of these books can be found with the 'unique' tag at Science HQ in World's End. Specifically, the books about Leviathan Coast, The Black Desert, The Holy Nation, The Swamp, and Obedience can be uniquely found there. The book on Obedience can ONLY be found at Science HQ.

The first book of notes on the Ashlands can be found with the 'unique' tag at The Great Library in Black Scratch.

The notebooks on Leviathan Coast, Shopping, both books on the Ashlands, The Black Desert, The Holy Nation, The Shrieking Forest, and The Swamp can be found in the following locations:
