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Stout Hessian
Stout Hessian
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.200
-Sell value c.50
[No Armour Coverage]
A rough fabric favoured by the Holy Nation for its lack of comfort.

The Stout Hessian is an article of clothing wearable as pants. It is available through looting or purchase from a Clothing Trader. It is very often seen in the game worn by various NPCs, a popular choice of leg-wear for soldiers and mercenaries. The Stout Hessian offers no protection, although it provides an aesthetic alternative to the base versions of Cargopants and Halfpants.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x4.

Based on the name, it might seem that it would make sense why the soldiers/guards of various factions wear these. Although some especially notorious raiding bands hailed from Hessen, a central state of Germany, the name became generalized as a term for any German Mercenary. Some think of Hessians only as German mercenaries that were hired by British forces during the American Revolutionary War. In reality, Hessen is a county of Germany, nothing more. Hessian cloth, however, is more commonly called burlap.

The Holy Nation soldiers usually wear a version of this called Stout Hessian Uniform.


The Stout Hessian is a pair of baggy cream/white colored pants that end about shin level. Since they do not extend down to the ankle, the current mesh does not interfere with the boots the character is wearing. This makes them ideal to wear with boots since you will be able to see both the pants and boots.


Stout Hessian

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level ?
New Armour Type Stout Hessian
