Kenshi Wiki
Storage boxes

Storage Containers are buildings that can be built inside of Player-Owned Buildings in Town or at a Player Outpost. They come in varying shapes and sizes. Distinct types can be built for storing specific items.

General use containers can be used to store all types of items. Specialised containers (such as the Animal Feeder or an Armour Storage) are limited to containing a certain type of item. Specialised containers are programmed to be used by labourers as input or output containers for various manufacturing processes. For example, a farmer might use the Fabric chest to store the Fabrics produced as output from crafting and a smith may use the same Fabrics chest to take the Fabrics to be used in clothes or armour production. Note that the specialised containers also clear the "Stolen" tag from items when such an item is stored in a player-owned container, no matter how briefly.

Types of Storage Containers[]

Accepted Items Name Grid size Cost Time (h) Stack Multiplier Reset Stolen Tech
General Use General Storage Boxes 18 x 18 1 BM 0 5 Item Storage
General Storage Chest 18 x 18 1 BM 0 5 Item Storage
Metal Chest 12 x 12 1 IP 1 0 Item Storage
Shop Counter 18 x 18 4 BM 4 4 Public Sales
Armour Armour Storage 22 x 18 1 BM 3 0 Yes Gear Storage
Weapons Weapon Cabinet 18 x 18 2 BM 2 0 Yes Gear Storage
Weapon Stand 18 x 18 2 BM 2 0 ? Gear Storage
Crossbow Locker 18 x 18 1 IP 1 0 Yes[1] Gear Storage
Boltbox 10 x 12 1 IP 1 25 Yes Gear Storage
Food Animal Feeder 18 x 18 2 BM 0 0 ? Item Storage
Bread Basket Single Item 1 BM 0 50 Yes Baking
Flour Storage Single Item 1 BM 0 50 Yes Baking OR
Storage Boxes:Farming
Food Store 18 x 18 1 BM 1 4 Yes Item Storage
Storage: Meat Single Item 1 BM 1 100 Yes Storage Boxes:Crafting
Crops Storage: Cactus Single Item 1 BM 0 100 Yes Cactus Farming
Storage: Cotton Single Item 1 BM 3 100 Yes Cotton Farming
Storage: Greenfruit Single Item 1 BM 1 250 Yes Storage Boxes:Farming
Storage: Hemp Single Item 1 BM 1 250 Yes Hemp Farming
Storage: Riceweed Single Item 1 BM 0 250 Yes Riceweed Farming
Storage: Wheatstraw Single Item 1 BM 1 250 Yes Wheatstraw Farming
Water Tank[2] Single Item 3 IP 1 100 Yes Storage Boxes:Farming
Materials Fabric Chest Single Item 1 BM 1 50 Yes Storage Boxes:Crafting OR
Fabric Manufacture OR
Hemp-Based Fabric
Medicrate 10 x 10 2 BM 4 5 Yes Basic First Aid Kits
Storage: Armour Plate Single Item 1 IP 1 25 Yes Storage Boxes:Crafting
Storage: Crossbow Parts 6 x 6 1 IP 1 25 Yes Crossbow Crafting
Storage: Fuel Single Item 1 IP 3 100 Yes Biofuel
Storage: Leather Single Item 1 IP 3 50 Yes Storage Boxes:Crafting
Storage: Robotics 12 x 12 1 IP 1 5 Yes Robotics
Storage: Skins Single Item 1 BM 1 100 Yes Storage Boxes:Crafting
Storage: Chainmail Single Item 1 IP 3 25 Yes Storage Boxes:Crafting
Storage: Electricals Single Item 1 IP 3 25 Yes Electrical Crafting
Mining Storage: Building Materials Single Item 1 IP 1 100 Yes Storage Boxes
Storage: Copper Single Item 1 IP 1 100 Yes Storage Boxes:Ore
Storage: Copper Alloys Single Item 1 IP 1 50 Yes Copper Alloys
Storage: Iron Plates Single Item 1 IP 1 50 Yes Storage Boxes:Ore
Storage: Ore Single Item 1 IP 3 100 Yes Storage Boxes:Ore
Storage: Steel Bars Single Item 1 IP 3 25 Yes Storage Boxes:Ore
Storage: Stones Single Item 1 IP 1 100 Yes Storage Boxes
Vices Grog Barrels Single Item 1 BM 1 25 Yes Grog Distillation
Rum Barrels Single Item 1 BM 1 25 Yes Rum Brewing
Sake Barrels Single Item 1 BM 1 25 Yes Sake Distillation
Storage: Hashish Single Item 1 BM 1 50 Yes Hashish Production
  1. Due to a bug all item types may be stored in this container and have their "Stolen" tag reset.
  2. This building can be built from the Farming category, however due to its functionality it is included here for the sake of comparison.