Stack is a large town on the edge of the Holy Nation's territory. It has a decent variety of shops, and its proximity to the Western Hive and the Hub make it a good location for aspiring traders and thieves alike.
The surrounding areas often have Starving Bandits, Bonedogs, and Dust Bandits, all of which are relatively weak enemies, making this a decent training area for newer characters.
The Game Start "Holy Nation Citizen" can begin at this location, the other possible choice is in Bad Teeth. If you are not starting out in this town you can place it on your map after travelling here or by reading the Glorious Holy Map.
This is the place of residence of High Inquisitor Seta. Mother of Knife, a unique recruit's parent, supposedly lives here. Bard and Griffin could spawn here to be recruited in a bar.
Buildings and Shops[]
- Armour Shop
- Armory
- Bakery
- Bar x3
- Barracks x2
- Boot Shop
- Clothes Shop
- General Shop
- General Storage
- Headgear Shop
- Mechanical Shop
- Police Station Throne
- Power Station
- Well III
Buildings for Sale[]
- Small Shack x2 (Collapsed) (c.1,500)
- Small Shack x2 (c.4,000)
Town Overrides[]
Stack, on the brink of Holy Nation territory, can be affected by world states to produce town overrides. Most danger comes from the Shek Kingdom.