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Kenshi Wiki
The highest ranking in a Hive and right-hands to the Queen. Nobody has ever seen an actual Queen, it is the Princes that run everything. Free Princes are usually the result of losing command to a rival Prince, or exiles sent away as punishment for some kind of failure. They are much more intelligent and free-willed than normal Hive types.

–Game Description


Southern Hive Princes are a Race in Kenshi. They are a subrace of the Southern Hive.

Compared to their Western cousins, the Southern Hive Prince have a lesser bleeding rate of 0.2 compared to the 0.3 of a Western Hive Prince, and also have no bonuses of xp boost from Lockpicking, Perception and Toughness like they do. Southern Hive Princes have slightly more health than their hungrier Deadhive bretheren and have xp bonuses in Field Medic and Science.

Characters of this race can become Playable Characters if bought or freed from slavery.

Health Statistics[]

  • Max Speed: 31 mph
  • Min Speed: 16 mph
  • Hunger rate: 0.5
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Combat move speed multi: 1.2

Health Stats[]

  • Blood: 50
  • Bleed rate: 0.2
  • Heal rate: 1


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting Severed Limbs
Head 80 80
Chest 80 140
Stomach 80 60
Right Arm 80 40 Severed Hive Right Arm
Left Arm 80 80 Severed Hive Left Arm
Right Leg 80 80 Severed Hive Right Leg
Left Leg 80 80 Severed Hive Left Leg
Severed Hive Right Arm
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed right arm of a hiver
Severed Hive Right Arm South
Severed Hive Left Arm South
Severed Hive Left Arm
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed left arm of a hiver
Severed Hive Right Leg
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed right leg of a hiver
Severed Hive Right Leg South
Severed Hive Left Leg South
Severed Hive Left Leg
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed left leg of a hiver

Weather Immunity[]

Characters of this race are immune to these types of Weather Effects. It is recommended that characters wear protection when entering Zones in which this weather they are not immune to can occur.

  • Acid

Equipment Slots[]

Characters of this race can wear any type of equipment in these slots.

Characters of this race can only wear specific equipment in these slots.

Characters of this race cannot wear any equipment in these slots.

Experience Multipliers[]

All playable races have a distinct set of Statistics which they can gain experience at an increased or decreased rate. Players should pay attention to these experience multipliers and use them to their advantage.

Increased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.

Decreased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly slower rate than normal. This decreased rate is -20% unless otherwise noted.


Game Starts[]

Players cannot choose to start as a member of this race in any Game Starts.

Unique Recruits[]

There are no Unique Recruits which can spawn as a member of this race.


These Factions have characters which can spawn as members of this race.


  • Southern Princes are the rarest type of race that can spawn as a slave in Slaver shops, as only 1 in a thousand can spawn at a time. They are so rare that it's possible that only a single Southern Prince slave may spawn per save.
