Kenshi Wiki

ā€œ Here for recruits? I'm available for hire. 3000 Cats. ā€

Skeleton Recruit is a randomly named Generic Recruit. They are a Skeleton with no backstory. They can be hired for 3,000 Cats.

They can be found in Crab Town, Mourn, The Hub, Waystation (Grey Desert), and, depending on certain World States, in Blister Hill, Heft, Heng, or Stoat. They can also be found in Shark, no matter which faction is in control of The Swamps.

They have a random Personality and after recruited have the "Player SKELETON" Dialogue Package. They wear no armour and have weapons manufactured by Unknown.


  • Skeleton

Attributes Level
Strength -2 ā€“ 4
Toughness -2 ā€“ 4
Dexterity -2 ā€“ 4
Perception -2 ā€“ 4
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas -2 ā€“ 4
Sabres -2 ā€“ 4
Hackers -2 ā€“ 4
Heavy Weapons -2.4 ā€“ 4.8
Blunt -2 ā€“ 4
Polearms -2 ā€“ 4
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack -2 ā€“ 4
Melee Defence -2 ā€“ 4
Dodge -1.6 ā€“ 3.2
Martial Arts -2 ā€“ 4
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets -2.4 ā€“ 4.8
Crossbows -2 ā€“ 4
Precision Shooting -2 ā€“ 4
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth -1.6 ā€“ 3.2
Lockpicking -2 ā€“ 4
Thievery -1.6 ā€“ 3.2
Assassination 1
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics -2 ā€“ 4
Swimming -2 ā€“ 4
Science Skills Level
Field Medic -2 ā€“ 4
Engineer -2 ā€“ 4
Robotics -2.4 ā€“ 4.8
Science 1
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith -2 ā€“ 4
Armour Smith -2 ā€“ 4
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 1
Farming 1
Cooking 1

Stats randomize by 3
The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.