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Kenshi Wiki

Skeleton Log-Head MKII is a Race in Kenshi. It is a subrace of Skeleton with 'MkII'-type body and the head of a Soldierbot.

There are no Playable Characters available which belong to this race. Log-Heads are found in similar roles as Soldierbots, sporting a simpler, yet more flimsy design. It is possible these units were produced as a less resource-intensive variant of the Soldierbot.

Notably, all Log-Heads remain under the auspices of Second Empire-derived factions, as do the other 'MkII'-type units.

Health Statistics[]

  • Max Speed: 25 mph
  • Min Speed: 16 mph
  • Hunger rate: 0
  • Vision Range: 2
  • Combat move speed multi: 0.9

Health Stats[]

  • Blood (Oil): 100
  • Bleed rate: 0.4
  • Heal rate: 3


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting Severed Limbs
Head 200 80
Chest 150 140
Stomach 150 140
Right Arm 150 60
Left Arm 150 80
Right Leg 150 80
Left Leg 150 80

Weather Immunity[]

Characters of this race are immune to all types of Weather Effects.

Equipment Slots[]

Characters of this race can wear any type of equipment in these slots.

Characters of this race cannot wear any equipment in these slots.

Experience Multipliers[]

All playable races have a distinct set of Statistics which they can gain experience at an increased or decreased rate. Players should pay attention to these experience multipliers and use them to their advantage.

Increased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.

Decreased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly slower rate than normal. This decreased rate is -20% unless otherwise noted.


Game Starts[]

Players cannot choose to start as a member of this race in any Game Starts.

Generic Characters:[]

Unique Recruits[]

There are no Unique Recruits which can spawn as a member of this race.


These Factions have characters which can spawn as members of this race.


  • Skeleton Log-Head MKII is one of the two Skeletons (alongside with Skeleton MKII Screamer) to have the 'k' of Mk capitalized.
  • Skeleton Log-Head MKII has the exact same bleed rate, vision range and HP on all body parts (except for Head) like their other MKII cousin, Skeleton MKII Screamer.
  • It is possible that the Log-Heads, along with the other 'MkII' models, are of Second (II) Empire make.
  • While their heads are 200 HP and the rest of the body corresponds to the more delicate type of skeleton with 150 HP, it might be possible that this variant came about to increase the number of skeleton soldiers during the war with makeshift means. It's entirely possible that the available more delicate bodies were attached to more durable soldier heads to replace the combat losses or to gain an advantage in numbers.
