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Settled Nomads is a village located in the Shem region, south of Skinner's Roam. The village is controlled by the Nomads faction. It contains five buildings: four residential buildings and a Nomad Animal Shop. None of the buildings can be purchased by the player faction.

Players can purchase all types of domesticated animals from the Nomad Animal Shop, including Bonedogs, Pack Bulls, Garru Pack Beasts, and Goats, which will usually be Pup aged. They also sell Garru Backpacks and Bull Backpacks. There are no other stores in the town and only generic residents, making the animal shop the only compelling reason to venture here.

Lacking any walls or guards, this tiny settlement is at high risk from passing bandits and Beak Things, which are both common in the area. A player wishing to keep the residents (and their animal shop) safe from being wiped out should not linger too long in the area after finishing their business.

Town override[]

If Tinfist becomes dead or imprisoned while Longen is alive, the Settled Nomads location gets taken over by the Slave Traders.
