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Kenshi Wiki
Scorchlanders tend to value personal freedoms above all else. They don't tend to get along well with rules, regulations and religions, and as a result have a reputation as social misfits and are often found in more adventurous professions. Despite this however, they are highly creative, making them natural-born traders and skilled weaponsmiths. Honest to a fault, laughing in the face of manners, moderation and anything sensible, they make loyal friends, passionate enemies, and are great fun to drink with.

–Game Description


Scorchlanders are a Human subrace, and a common Race in the world of Kenshi. Scorchlanders are anatomically similar to Greenlanders, but are differentiated by their much darker skin color, glowing eyes, and commonly have silvery coloured hair.

Due to their Crafting-related experience rate boosts, Scorchlanders make great crafters. As they have a heal rate of 1.1, Scorchlanders are the fastest healing organic playable humanoid race in Kenshi.

Scorchlanders can consume Raw Meat.

Health Statistics[]

Scorchlanders have a blood color of RGB 128 0 0

  • Hunger rate: 0.9
  • Vision Range mult: 1.25
  • Blood: 75 - 150
  • Bleed rate: 0.9
  • Heal rate: 1.1


  • Max Speed: 26.844 mph
  • Min Speed: 17.896 mph
  • Combat move speed multiplier: 1


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting Severed Limbs
Head 100 80
Chest 100 140
Stomach 100 140
Right Arm 100 60 Severed Human Right Arm
Left Arm 100 80 Severed Human Left Arm
Right Leg 100 80 Severed Human Right Leg
Left Leg 100 80 Severed Human Left Leg
Severed Human Right Arm
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed right arm of a human
Severed Human Right Arm Icon
Severed Human Left Arm Icon
Severed Human Left Arm
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed left arm of a human
Severed Human Right Leg
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed right leg of a human
Severed Human Right Leg Icon
Severed Human Left Leg Icon
Severed Human Left Leg
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed left leg of a human

Weather Immunity[]

Characters of this race have no special immunity to any types of Weather Effects. It is recommended that they wear weather protecting armour when entering Zones in which hazardous weather can occur.

Equipment Slots[]

Characters of this race can wear any type of equipment in these slots.

Experience Multipliers[]

All playable races have a distinct set of Statistics which they can gain experience in at an increased or decreased rate. Players should pay attention to these experience multipliers and use them to their advantage.

Increased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.

Decreased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly slower rate than normal. This decreased rate is -20% unless otherwise noted.


Game Starts[]

Players can choose to start as a member of this race if this Game Start is chosen.

  • Empire Citizen
  • Guy with a dog
  • Holy Nation Citizen
  • Nobodies
  • Rock Bottom
  • Son of a Captain
  • The Cannibal Hunters
  • The Freedom Seekers
  • The Holy Sword
  • The Slaves
  • The Wandering Trader
  • Wanderer

Unique Recruits[]

These Unique Recruits spawn as a member of this race.


These Factions have characters which can spawn as members of this race.


  • Stubs Momuso and Jewel are Scorchlanders who look like Greenlanders.
    • Scorchlander Gorillo Bandits also look like Greenlanders, aside from their eyes.
  • Scorchlanders have a vision range mult of 1.25 which is equal to that of a Skeleton. Vision range mult impacts how far a unit can see, and most organic races have a mult of 1.
  • The Scorchlanders are likely based on an Oblivion mod by Chris Hunt known as the Sun demons race, minus the tail. Earlier editions of Kenshi also referred to Scorchlanders as Sundemons in the FCS.
  • Despite the fact that The Holy Nation does not discriminate against Scorchlanders they are rare to find in their territory. Likely because of their freedom-seeking nature, most Scorchlanders in Holy Nation owned land are Mercenaries or Thieves. Many may rebel and join the Flotsam Ninjas.
    • The Holy Nation will treat a Scorchlander the same way they treat a Greenlander as the tag to check if someone is the same race as them uses the "Human" group which Greenlanders and Scorchlanders are in.
