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Heavy duty armour commonly worn by government owned samurai.
Samurai Helmet
Slot: HEAD Type: Heavy Armour

The Samurai Helmet is part of the basic armour of Samurai. It belongs to the Heavy Armour Class and is part of the samurai armour series together with Samurai Armour, Samurai Legplates and Samurai Boots. The Samurai Helmet can be dyed.

A rusted and stat-wise inferior version of Samurai Helmet was set to appear in game but does not spawn due to being assigned to characters that can't wear them.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 3x3.


The main body of the helmet appears to crafted from one sheet of metal plate. The helmet flares as it goes from the top of the head down to the neck. This helmet is more ornate than the majority of other headgear in the game. It features an insignia and metal crest that rise well above the helmet. A Mempo (facial armor) made of several independent metal pieces resemble a face, a feature of traditional Japanese helmets. Finally, on the back there is faded paint of what looks like a mirrored-image of a creature.


Samurai Helmet
[Prototype Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 9%
-Cut resistance 22.25%
-Cut resistance efficiency 70%
-Harpoon resistance 13.5pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Value c.134
-Sell value c.33
-Head 100%
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.60x
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Perception bonus -20
Samurai Helmet
[Shoddy Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 18%
-Cut resistance 35%
-Cut resistance efficiency 70%
-Harpoon resistance 27pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Value c.535
-Sell value c.133
-Head 100%
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.60x
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Perception bonus -20
Samurai Helmet
[Standard Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 29%
-Cut resistance 52%
-Cut resistance efficiency 70%
-Harpoon resistance 45pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Value c.1818
-Sell value c.454
-Head 100%
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.60x
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Perception bonus -20
Samurai Helmet
[High Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 42%
-Cut resistance 69%
-Cut resistance efficiency 70%
-Harpoon resistance 63pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Value c.3956
-Sell value c.989
-Head 100%
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.60x
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Perception bonus -20
Samurai Helmet
[Specialist Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 54%
-Cut resistance 86%
-Cut resistance efficiency 70%
-Harpoon resistance 81pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Value c.6950
-Sell value c.1737
-Head 100%
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.60x
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Perception bonus -20
Samurai Helmet
[Masterwork Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 63%
-Cut resistance 90%
-Cut resistance efficiency 70%
-Harpoon resistance 94.5pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Value c.9757
-Sell value c.2439
-Head 100%
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.60x
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Perception bonus -20



Samurai wearing Samurai Helmet, Samurai Armour, Samurai Legplates & Samurai Boots

Samurai Helmet

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 2
New Armour Type Samurai Helmet

The blueprint can be found on Drifter's Last, The Great Library and Bark armoury.


  • 90% is the max cut resistance a single item can have. If this wasn't the case Samurai Helmet would have an insane 99.25% Cut resistance at Masterwork quality.
    • In a previous version of Kenshi if an item had over 100% in a resistance taking damage of that type would heal you instead of damage you. It can be assumed that this is why the 90% max resistance limit was put into place.