Kenshi Wiki
This is basically just wrapping a strip of chainmail around your head, but it does do a good job of protecting you when it's not falling off.
Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
Slot: HEAD Type: Medium Armour

The Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust is a Medium Armour that is equipped in the Headgear slot. It can be sold by the Mongrel, Shek, and Tech Hunter armour shops.

It also has cloth and blackened version.

This type of tagelmust is not equipped by any character.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 3x3.


The Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust appears to be a rusty sheet of chainmail wrapped around the head.


Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 0%
-Cut resistance 4%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.183
-Sell value c.45
-Head 90%
Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 2%
-Cut resistance 14%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 7pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.567
-Sell value c.141
-Head 90%
Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 26%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 16pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.1,795
-Sell value c.448
-Head 90%
Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 9%
-Cut resistance 39%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 26pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.3,843
-Sell value c.960
-Head 90%
Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 12%
-Cut resistance 52%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 35pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.6,709
-Sell value c.1,677
-Head 90%
Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 15%
-Cut resistance 62%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 43pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.9,396
-Sell value c.2,349
-Head 90%


Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 1
New Armour Type Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust

It can be crafted in the Chain Armour Crafting Bench after researching the appropriate blueprint.
