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Under the divine law of the Holy Lord Phoenix, blessed be his name... I hereby arrest those responsible for the brutalisation of one of Okran's purest of children... For the attack on a High Inquisitor of the holy order... Light of Okran, guide my sword!

–High Inquisitor Seta

Retribution of God Range

Max range for the Retribution of God event

Retribution of God is an event that can occur if the player's outpost is within 7,000 meters of a Holy Nation owned location, and High Inquisitor Valtena, or both him and High Inquisitor Seta, are killed or captured. (Note: There is supposed to be a variant for just Seta killed as well, but due to a bug it cannot trigger. when seta is captured the squad will directly spawn at seta's location) It has up to a 50% chance of triggering if within 4,000 meters of a Holy Nation location, and scales down with distance until it reach 0% chance at 7,000 meters.

This event cannot trigger if High Inquisitor Seta, High Inquisitor Valtena, and the Holy Lord Phoenix are all killed or captured.

Once triggered, The Holy Nation will launch an assault on the player's base. It will consist of two or three squads. The first consisting of 5 Paladins and 3 Inquisitors led by High Inquisitor Seta, while the second and potential third consist of 10-12 Paladins, 1-2 High Paladins, and 4-9 Holy Servants led by an Inquisitor. In the event that High Inquisitor Seta is not available to lead the assault, the first squad will not spawn, and the third squad that normally only has a chance to spawn will be guaranteed to accompany the assault.

After arriving at the outpost, the War Leader will issue the arrest of the character or characters responsible for the attack on a High Inquisitor, and then order his men to attack the outpost and the player characters inside it. If the raid is victorious, they will occupy the player's base, patrolling around it, using the furniture, freeing captives, and imprisoning your characters. If the raid is defeated, it will trigger a Wrath of God event in 36-80 hours.
