Kenshi Wiki

Welcome, dear human, and please excuse the mess. Anything shiny, Dack hoards. A simpleton really. I'm sure his mind was fried when he got hit on the head back in the cha- uh... back some time ago...

–Quin, talking to a human customer

Quin is a member of the Skeletons faction. He is located in the Scraphouse: the big ancient factory next to Black Desert City. He has a lot of highly valuable goods for sale such as hard to get blueprints, high quality weapons, high quality crossbows, Ancient Science Books and the rare AI Cores (which do not respawn).

They wear [Standard] armour (5% chance of [High]) and have weapons manufactured by Skeleton Smiths.


  • P4 Unit

Attributes Level
Strength 60
Toughness 60
Dexterity 60
Perception 1
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 48
Sabres 60
Hackers 60
Heavy Weapons 60
Blunt 60
Polearms 60
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 60
Melee Defence 60
Dodge 4.8
Martial Arts 6
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 60
Crossbows 1
Precision Shooting 60
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth 0.8
Lockpicking 1
Thievery 0.8
Assassination 30
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 60
Swimming 60
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 72
Engineer 1.2
Robotics 1.2
Science 1.2
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith 1.2
Armour Smith 1.2
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 1
Farming 1
Cooking 1

The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.


When Quin interacts with a Hiver he will say his usual line, but with a twist: "Welcome, dear huma-uh... welcome dear. Please excuse the mess. Anything shiny, Dack hoards. A simpleton really. I'm sure his mind was fried when he got hit on the head back in the cha- uh... back some time ago...".

When Quin interacts with a Skeleton he will also say his usual line but refer back to the collapse of the First Empire: "Welcome, and please excuse the mess. Anything shiny, Dack hoards. A simpleton, really. I'm sure his mind was fried when he got hit on the head back during the chaos age. Trying times I'm sure you remember..."
