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Purple Sands is a large desert north of The Shrieking Forest and south of The Iron Trail. The region is immediately recognizable for the purple hue of its desert sand and satellite like structures partially buried everywhere in the desert.

The region itself is barren, but occasionally Cannibals, Shrieking Bandits and Beak Things wander into the area from other regions.


There are no Major Towns or Minor Outposts in Purple Sands. This zone does not spawn Nests or Camps.

Ancient Locations[]

These are places which do not have competent inhabitants. Ancient Locations are usually lost outposts or ruins. Beware: sometimes these locations contain territorial protectors such as Security Spiders.

Homeless Spawns (0.3x)[]

These are squads which spawn without being tied to a location, camp, or nest. This list is in order of likelihood. Values listed are their relative chance to spawn.

These squads can potentially spawn in this zone if certain World States have been reached.


Purple Sands
These are the modifiers which are linked to this zone on FCS.
Water 0% Fertility Unknown

Environment Resources
Arid 100% Stone 0
Green 0% Iron 10
Swamp 0% Copper 10

Before building an outpost, players should find information about specific areas through Prospecting.

Sandstorms constantly plague the region allowing it to have high wind speed. Due to absence of water, the area is considered an area of extreme climate and one of the most inhospitable regions in the game. Also, prospecting reveals no raw resources within the region further reinforcing that the region cannot be colonized. Occasionally individual beak things may be found lost in the desert.


This zone has the 'purple desert' season. Seasons may cause harmful Weather Effects or be purely aesthetic.

  • Purple desert ambience


Tips []
