Kenshi Wiki
Kenshi Wiki

The Preacher Cult is the faction of The Preacher and its followers living in Cult Village in the Stormgap Coast. They appear to be worshipping the "Moons", believing they will give them a good harvest by making blood rain on their farmlands. They also exclusively use Moon cleavers.

Preacher Cultists attack all outsiders on sight, and will tie their prisoners to metal poles and hack them to death, before disposing of their bodies in a Corpse Furnace. Members of this faction do not carry medical supplies, so many of them will slowly become crippled or die after engaging in a fight.



 Faction Relations[]

The factions this faction has special relations towards. For all others, it will use this faction's default (0).

Player Relations[]

The reasons for this faction to have a non-zero relation towards you.


The Preacher Cult do not patrol any zones as Homeless Spawns.

These towns, outposts, and other locations are controlled by this faction.
Mapico-stormhouse Cult Village

Town Overrides
There are no locations which can be controlled by this faction due to changes in World States.