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Plated Longboots
Slot: BOOTS Type: Medium Armour

Plated Longboots are armoured Boots. They belong to the Medium Armour Class and can be crafted using the Heavy Armour Smithy.

Plated Longboots

Compared to Samurai Boots, they provide less damage resistance but no penalties on martial arts and dodge, and a smaller penalty on running speed.

This footwear has inventory dimensions of 2x4.


Plated Longboots are knee-high leather boots with lobstered metal plates down its frontside. The plates appear to be held in place by leather straps that wrap around the backside of the boot.


Plated Longboots
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 0%
-Cut resistance 5%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 4 kg
-Value c.159
-Sell value c.39
-Right Leg 40%
-Left Leg 40%
-Stealth effect 0.06x
-Athletics effect 0.84x
Plated Longboots
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 15%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 8pts
-Weight 4 kg
-Value c.390
-Sell value c.97
-Right Leg 40%
-Left Leg 40%
-Stealth effect 0.17x
-Athletics effect 0.87x
Plated Longboots
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 16%
-Cut resistance 29%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 26pts
-Weight 4 kg
-Value c.1128
-Sell value c.282
-Right Leg 40%
-Left Leg 40%
-Stealth effect 0.31x
-Athletics effect 0.90x
Plated Longboots
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 26%
-Cut resistance 42%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 44pts
-Weight 4 kg
-Value c.2360
-Sell value c.590
-Right Leg 40%
-Left Leg 40%
-Stealth effect 0.45x
-Athletics effect 0.93x
Plated Longboots
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 37%
-Cut resistance 56%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 62pts
-Weight 4 kg
-Value c.4083
-Sell value c.1020
-Right Leg 40%
-Left Leg 40%
-Stealth effect 0.58x
-Athletics effect 0.95x
Plated Longboots
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 45%
-Cut resistance 66%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 76pts
-Weight 4 kg
-Value c.5699
-Sell value c.1424
-Right Leg 40%
-Left Leg 40%
-Stealth effect 0.69x
-Athletics effect 0.98x


Plated Longboots

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 2
New Armour Type Plated Longboots

Once the blueprint is learned, the boots can be made at a Heavy Armour Smithy.


  • Although not stated on the information of boots, the Masterwork Grade of this version appears to have a 0.98x Athletic speed penalty.