Kenshi Wiki

This page is work in progress, I report here whenever I have new info - Cattrina

Kenshi uses semi-custom scripting language called Particle Universe. The ending .pu.

The cool part of .pu is you can just edit it with any text editor, like notepad, and then after finishing you can just rename it as .pu and it works.

There is, however, a visual particle editor available here: External forum with download link

It comes with several script examples

Setup for particle effects[]

In your mod's folder create a new folder called particles (lowercase). Inside particles folder create three folders called textures, materials and scripts (all lowercase).

In the textures folder goes the texture you want each particle to have. Fe. if you want to have autumn leaves falling there goes the picture of the leaf in png format.

In the scripts folder goes the .pu file.

In the materials folder you set up the marriage of the script and texture. Save as .txt and when done change the .txt ending to .material.

material falling_leaves// exact material name, called in the .pu file
           vertex_program_ref Basic_Coloured_Texture_VP {}
           fragment_program_ref Basic_Texture_FP {}
           lighting off //full bright off 
           scene_blend alpha_blend //allows transparency
           depth_write off //double side material!!
           cull_hardware none
           texture_unit autumnleaf.png //the image file in textures folder
               texture_alias autumnleaf.png
               texture autumnleaf.png
               tex_address_mode clamp