The Mark II has an advanced draw mechanism, which speeds up reload time, range and power.
Mounted Crossbow mkII
-Pierce Damage:
-Accuracy deviation at 0 skill:
5 degrees
-Rotation speed:
-Max reload time:
-Min reload time:
Reload after 1 shots.
-Accuracy perfect at level:
These stats are based on a turret at ground level.
Mounted Crossbow mkII is a Defence building. Players can construct this building after researching Mounted Crossbows II. They can be built on the ground or on top of Defensive Walls.
The range, accuracy, and speed of a turret is modified by the operator's related skills as well as the height difference between the turret and its target. The damage is also affected by height difference. Turrets will be more effective if fired from above, and less effective when fired from below.
The Mark II has an advanced draw mechanism, which speeds up reload time, range and power. With added spotlight fitted.
Mounted Crossbow mkII can be upgraded to Mounted Crossbow mkII [light] after researching Crossbow Turret Spotlight Fitting. The stats for an unlighted Mounted Crossbow mkII are the same as a lighted one, disregarding the negative effects of working in darkness.
This crossbow uses 0 power, except when upgraded with the light, which requires 4 power.