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Mounted Crossbow
Mounted Crossbow
Type: Interior/exterior
Materials cost:
Iron Plates 6
Estimated build time: 0 hrs

A heavy duty crossbow mounted on a swivel. It has a 180 degree fire arc and is best mounted on walls. Not so great against heavy armour.
Mounted Crossbow
-Pierce Damage: 55
-Accuracy deviation at 0 skill: 5 degrees
-Rotation speed: 0.7
-Max reload time: 8s
-Min reload time: 2s
Reload after 1 shots.
-Range: 65m
-Velocity: 100m/s
-Accuracy perfect at level: 70
These stats are based on a turret at ground level.

Mounted Crossbows were added to the game and are a type of defensive turrets. They can be built on the ground or on top of Defensive Walls. By researching Crossbow Turret Strings and Composite Runners you can increase the power of Mounted Crossbows.

The range, damage, accuracy, and speed of a turret is modified by the operator's related skills as well as the height difference between the turret and its target. Turrets will be more effective if fired from above.

This building cannot be upgraded to Mounted Crossbow MkII. In order to switch a mounted crossbow to an improved mounted crossbow, players must dismantle their existing mounted crossbow, then build the desired one.

This crossbow uses 0 power, except when upgraded with the light, which requires 4 more power.
