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Hell, its a place in this world. And it has giant fucking SPIDERS in it.

Miu is a Unique Recruit. She is found in the town of Shark in The Swamp. She has a Brave Personality.

She claims to be an ex-slave, who escaped with a friend called Ned, only to watch him getting killed by a spider right at the town's gates. She has good Labouring skills and is an excellent farmer, but her other stats are lacking. She will ask to join the player without a cost.

Miu is a useful recruit for any party as she would react to the presence of any spiders in an area with her unique dialogue lines, making her a real-time spider radar. Another unique recruit with a similar ability is Pia.


  • Greenlander

Attributes Level
Strength 1
Toughness 8
Dexterity 8
Perception 1
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 1
Sabres 1
Hackers 1
Heavy Weapons 1
Blunt 1
Polearms 1
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 1
Melee Defence 1
Dodge 1
Martial Arts 1
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 1
Crossbows 1
Precision Shooting 1
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth 8
Lockpicking 1
Thievery 1
Assassination 1
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 10
Swimming 1
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 1
Engineer 1
Robotics 1
Science 1.2
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith 1
Armour Smith 1
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 30
Farming 60
Cooking 1.2

The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.


When first interacting with her:

Miu: Welcome to the swamps! Land of the murder-rapist asshole, land of the giant ugly-ass goddamn spider! *drink smashes on the floor*

Dialogue A2 options are:

  1. ...
  2. Something bothering you? [she answers with Dialogue C1]
  3. Er, nice to meet you too...
  4. Go home, lady, you're drunk

If the player chooses A2-1 she will say Dialogue A1:

Miu: This place stinks...

Dialogue options B2:

  1. Okay, spit it out. What happened?
  2. Yeah, life stinks. Deal with it.
  3. ...

If the player chooses B2-1 she will say Dialogue C1:

Miu: I'm an ex-slave, ex-farmer before that actually. Can't forget m'roots now, can i?... Managed to escape the empire with my good friend, a commendable feat if i do say so m'self *hiccup*. Shit, you ever seen one of those slave camps?

Player: ...

Miu: Anyway, Swamplands seemed like our only choice, y'know, being branded slaves n' all... But we got attacked by spiders just short of the city. Sucked Ned's goddamn guts right out of him... Made it all this way, just to be killed by a goddamn oversized bug...

Dialogue C2 options are:

  1. That's terrible. I'm sorry. []
  2. Take a look around. Think you're the only one with a sob story? [D1]
  3. You escaped slavery. Think yourself lucky.

Dialogue D1:

Miu: What, so I ain't allowed to drink away my sorrows now?

Player: ...

[she will then move onto Dialogue E1]

If the player chooses C2-1 she will say:

Miu: ... *hiccup*

Player: ...

[she will then move onto Dialogue E1]

Dialogue E1:

Miu: Sit down, why don't you? Have a drink with me, will ya?

Dialogue E2 options are:

  1. Sure, why not... [G1]
  2. I think you've had enough to drink... [F1]
  3. Sorry, no can do, I have to go.

Dialogue F1:

Miu: Probably. Don't mean I'm gonna stop though... [she continues with dialogue G1]

Dialogue G1:

Miu: You ain't one of 'em, are you? One of these swamper assholes...

Player: Well, I-

Miu: Whoa! Hey, you got real pretty eyes!... Anyone ever told you that?

[the target of her dialogue may switch to a skeleton player if there is one nearby]

Dialogue options F2 are:

0. I don't have eyes. I'm a skeleton. (If the player is talking to a skeleton)

  1. Yeah, I know. Stare any longer and I'm gonna have to charge for it. [I1]
  2. Drinking in this place isn't good for you...
  3. Focus. I don't have time for drunken jibberish.
  4. I don't have the patience for drunken conversations. See you.

If the player chooses F2-0 she will say:

Miu: Goddamn Narko's anus! You're right!... Well, wouldya lookit that, never noticed a Skeleton's eyeballs before...

Player skeleton: ... [H1]

Dialogue H1:

Miu: I like you(, Mr Skeleton [If the player is a skeleton]), you're alright. How about I come with you, back to your cave, nest... (lab? [skeleton])(mhm [non-skeleton])... yeah wherever the hell you came from, we'll go there. Hey, I'm pretty good with a shovel I'll have you know... Just need to sober up with another sake, hang on...

Dialouge I1:

Miu: Hey, that's MY job! Haha, well you ain't gonna get a Cat outta me... still gotta pay my tab *hiccup*...

Player: ...

Dialogue H2 opions:

  1. You can come. But no more drink for you. [J1]
  2. Sure. You could be entertaining to have around at least. [K1]
  3. Whoa, not so fast. Sorry, I'm not interested.
  4. Your special skills are drinking sake and... shovels. No thanks.

If the player chooses Dialogue option H2-1 she will say:

Dialogue J1:

Miu: Hand on my heart, I won't touch another drop.

Player: ...

Dialogue K1:

Whew! So long swamp suckers!

Player: ...

You will then exit dialogue and she will join your party.

Upon joining after choosing H2-1 she will say: ...Said that a bit too soon... Awkward.

Upon joining after choosing H2-2 she will say: ...Maybe we can avoid the spiders though, eh...

[editors note: if someone knows how to tidy upp the dialogue boxes and such, i'd be very grateful.]

When Miu is travelling with Hamut, he might say:

Hamut: This scent... it reminds me of her...

Miu: I'm sorry about your wife, Hamut. Slavers, they're the scum of the earth.

Hamut: And I'm sorry about your time in the mines... I won't let them take you again

Miu: We'll take them down one day, Hamut. You and me, together.

The Swamp:

Miu is traumatized by her friend's death to the swamp spiders, and she will freak out with multiple lines of dialogue if any get close or aggro to the squad. This can actually provide a useful early warning system as her dialogue will often trigger before the spiders are visible on the player's screen.


  • There used to be a bug which would cause Miu to spawn as a male sometimes.