Kenshi Wiki
A breathing mask that helps mitigate the negative health effects of fog.
Mask Type III
Slot: HEAD Type: Light Armour

The Mask Type III is a headgear item with stats comparable to Swamp Ninja Mask. It shares the weather protections of a Fog Mask.

This mask is only found on Lady Kana. It is not, however, unique and it can be crafted by the player.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 3x3.


It's a funky mask. Unlike the Swamp Ninja Mask, it doesn't have clear breathing holes.


Mask Type III
[Prototype Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 1%
-Cut resistance 2%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 1pts
-Weight 1.09375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Gas 100%
-Value c.49
-Sell value c.12
-Head 70%
Mask Type III
[Shoddy Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 8%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 6pts
-Weight 1.09375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Gas 100%
-Value c.250
-Sell value c.62
-Head 70%
Mask Type III
[Standard Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 11%
-Cut resistance 17%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 13pts
-Weight 1.09375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Gas 100%
-Value c.894
-Sell value c.223
-Head 70%
Mask Type III
[High Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 16%
-Cut resistance 26%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 20pts
-Weight 1.09375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Gas 100%
-Value c.1,966
-Sell value c.491
-Head 70%
Mask Type III
[Specialist Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 22%
-Cut resistance 35%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 27pts
-Weight 1.09375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Gas 100%
-Value c.3,468
-Sell value c.867
-Head 70%
Mask Type III
[Masterwork Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 26%
-Cut resistance 41%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 33pts
-Weight 1.09375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 100%
-Gas 100%
-Value c.4,876
-Sell value c.1,219
-Head 70%


Mask Type III

[Research Blueprint]

New Armour Type Mask Type III

The Blueprint can only be found in The Great Library in Black Scratch. Despite being tagged as light armour and leather, the mask needs to be crafted at the Heavy Armour Smithy.
