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Lost Drones are factionless hivers. They can be found wandering Bast, Dreg, Flats Lagoon, Heng, Okran's Gulf, Okran's Pride, Okran's Valley, Skimsands, Stenn Desert, The Great Desert, and The Hook.

These hivers were likely separated or exiled from the Western Hive. They are not to be confused with the Lost Hiver drones. Given their abundance in both Holy Nation and United Cities areas, it's likely that these type of Hivers are the source for the majority of Hiver slaves in Rebirth for the HN and Empire Peasants for the UC.

If they get inside or too close to holy nation towns, the leading Gate Sentinel will mark that their kind are not welcome there and arrest them to later send them to Rebirth. They are also prime targets for Slave Hunters and Noble Hunters if they find themselves in United Cities territory.

Lost Drones can join the player faction if they encounter a Hive player character in a Player Outpost. Once recruited, they will have the "Player HIVER Ronin" Dialogue Package. It also seems like they have unique dialogue with Вeep specifically.

They wear no armour and have weapons manufactured by Unknown.


  • Hive Worker Drone

Attributes Level
Strength 6.4 – 9.6
Toughness -1.2 – 3.6
Dexterity -1.2 – 3.6
Perception -1 – 3
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas -1 – 3
Sabres -1 – 3
Hackers -1 – 3
Heavy Weapons -1 – 3
Blunt -1 – 3
Polearms -1 – 3
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack -1 – 3
Melee Defence -1 – 3
Dodge -1 – 3
Martial Arts -1 – 3
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets -1.2 – 3.6
Crossbows -1 – 3
Precision Shooting -1 – 3
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth -1.2 – 3.6
Lockpicking -1 – 3
Thievery -1.2 – 3.6
Assassination 1
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 21.6 – 26.4
Swimming -1 – 3
Science Skills Level
Field Medic -1 – 3
Engineer 57.6 – 62.4
Robotics -1 – 3
Science 0.8
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith -1 – 3
Armour Smith -1 – 3
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 36
Farming 1.2
Cooking 0.8

Stats randomize by 2
The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.