Kenshi Wiki

This Page details the various notable events related to the Phoenixes of different generations.

Phoenix the First[]

  • Founder of The Holy Nation.
  • Author of Scripture of Radiance Series.
  • Claimed that his soul will be reincarnated into the next first born male, therefore creating the lineage of Phoenixes.
  • Declared Phoenix to be the champion sent by Okran, "one that would restore our faith and banish the Shadow" in his own words.

Holy Lord Phoenix IV[]

  • Author of Birth Of The Phoenix, declared Phoenix's soul as an extension of Okran and therefore divinely pure and incorruptible, as well as proclaiming that only the Phoenix can be the one to guide their faith.

Holy Lord Phoenix XLVII[]

Holy Lord Phoenix LXII[]


  • The average lifespan (or the time until next reincarnation, if you will) of a Phoenix is around 80.6 years. This takes into account that the Holy Nation has a history of around 5000 years divided by 62. This is way above the average lifespan for people living in a post-apocalypse world. There is a possibility that the reason of why Phoenixes can manage to live that long is because of the HN's advanced medicinal technology (in contrast to the otherwise low-tech nature of nearly all other aspects of their country). The evidence that supports the theory that HN has advanced medicinal technology is given that HN has doctors and surgeons in their country while other countries don't and also that Lord Phoenix LXII's inventory includes Advanced First Aid Kit and Advanced Splint Kit.