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Legend of the Forsaken Howler
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-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Rumours of a 'feathery bird man' with oversized long beak, exposed skull and protracted pointed claws. The beast is described to produce jarring sounds of a deafening screech. Spotted in the area of the Tarsands. Hostility unknown. Possibly a ghoul or mutant from the ancient race.

- Atticus

Legend of the Foulhound
-Weight 0 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Rumours of a half man, half dog beast spotted in the area of Vain. The beast is noted to have hideous rotting flesh and jerked movements. The beast is classed as hostile, but easily enough distracted for a safe escape. Likely a mutant bone dog from the nearby toxic Tarsands.

- Atticus

Legend of the Grievewraith
-Weight 0 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Holy Nation legend tells of the souls of the lost Shek becoming consumed by malice, hate and envy for the living. Their naturally 'aggressive' nature, as the Okranites claim, make them the most easily corruptable by the 'demoness'. The Grievewraith consists of a rotting corpse with the spikes, or limbs, of a flesh insect protruding from its back, supposedly this is its mid-transformation into a beast.

Now, legend aside, we've had numerous sightings of these wraiths both by Holy Nation residents and adventurers, mainly around the ruins of the central plains. So far we've learned that they are nocturnal and they prefer to take victims in the rubble of cities which have been heavily touched by death. All of its victims have disappeared without trace, we can only assume fully consumed by the wraith. A likely explanation for their existence would be a parasitic form of flesh insect, one which roots itself into the boney matter of a Shek body, and continues to grow and control the body even after its victim has perished and begun decomposition.

- Idad

Legend of the Headless Ancient I
-Weight 0 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Word from Tech Hunter Fion tell us of a headless being that exists in the Ashlands area, near what we believe to be the capital of the Ancients. The being was described as humanoid in appearance, as well as having drooping skin, misshapen appendages and a highly deformed torso. Most noticeably, of course, was the absence of a head.

Since it roams so closely to the capital, we can possibly assume that it was a creation of the ancients alongside the skeletons, or even a direct descendent of the ancients themselves. Was this an experiment gone wrong, or is this the missing link to the ancient alien race?

- Idad

Legend of the Headless Ancient II
-Weight 0 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
The Headless Ancient is but a perfect example of why we must approach rumours and reports with skepticism. We've had just one sighting of this 'ancient being' by one, might I add 'alcohol enthusiast', adventurer. Not only is Fion an unreliable sole source to rely on, but the woman claims to have instantly run away at first sight of the 'being' due to its 'terrible hideousness'.

So, we have one witness. Who was likely intoxicated. And who fled within seconds upon sighting it, meaning that we have a very short, panicked and irrational source of information to rely on. A myth started by yet another crazy adventurer, let's put this one to rest and concentrate our efforts elsewhere, not on rambling myths.

- Finch

Legend of the Mist Ghoul
-Weight 0 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
Sightings of hovering ghoulish creatures from the misty caverns west of the Holy Nation plains. The ghouls possess elongated, black frames with long fingers, glowing eyes and a mouth that stretches to the size of a full grown man.

Travellers who delve into the mist are renowned for not returning again, until further notice expeditions are to be avoided in the area.

- Idad

Legends Series is a collection of book items. These items can be found with the 'unique' tag at Science HQ in World's End. However, they can also be found without the 'unique' label in The Great Library in Black Scratch.

The second book about 'Headless Ancient' was written by the current leader of the MachinistsFinch. Legend of the Forsaken Howler and Legend of the Foulhound were written by Atticus. Legend of the Grievewraith, Legend of the Headless Ancient I, and Legend of the Mist Ghoul were written by Idad.
