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Undershirts provide a reliable second layer of defence.
Slot: SHIRT Type: Light Armour

Leather Vest is a Light Armour that is equipped in the Shirt slot. It is sold by United Cities clothing shops, Holy Nation armour and clothing shops, and Shek Kingdom and Tech Hunter Ronin armour shops.


There are short-sleeve and long-sleeve versions of this clothing. Additionally, there is also a Hiver-equivalent version of this clothing.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 2x4.

It can be worn by Anti-Slaver Jonins, Bounty Hunters, Caravan Trader Bosses, Deadcat Fishermans, Drifters, Empire Mercenaries, Farmers, Holy Sentinels, Hounds, Mercenaries, Outlaw Swordsman Captains, Rebel Captains, Samurais, Samurai Gate Guards, Samurai Scouts, Shek Retainers, Slavers, Slaver Bosses, Slaver Caravan Bosses, Slaver Caravan Guards, Strayed Paladins, Tech Hunters, Tech Hunter Gate Guards, Tech Hunter Guards, Tech Hunter Ruins, and Twinblades.

It can be crafted in the Leather Armour Crafting Bench after researching the blueprint. When compared to Leather Shirt, they both profit the same of resistances at any grade, but the shirt has 100% chest coverage and 30% coverage for both arms.


The Leather Vest is similar in appearance to a Tank Top/Sleeveless Shirt. It is made of a light brown leather that covers the chest but not the arms.


Leather Vest (1.0.12)
[Prototype Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 1%
-Cut resistance 1%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Weight 1.41875 kg
-Value c.147
-Sell value c.36
-Chest 85%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 0%
-Left Arm 0%
Leather Vest (1.0.12)
[Shoddy Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 4%
-Cut resistance 7%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 3pts
-Weight 1.41875 kg
-Value c.750
-Sell value c.187
-Chest 85%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 0%
-Left Arm 0%
Leather Vest (1.0.12)
[Standard Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 8%
-Cut resistance 14%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 6pts
-Weight 1.41875 kg
-Value c.2,682
-Sell value c.670
-Chest 85%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 0%
-Left Arm 0%
Leather Vest (1.0.12)
[High Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 13%
-Cut resistance 21%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 10pts
-Weight 1.41875 kg
-Value c.5,899
-Sell value c.1474
-Chest 85%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 0%
-Left Arm 0%
Leather Vest (1.0.12)
[Specialist Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 17%
-Cut resistance 28%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 13pts
-Weight 1.41875 kg
-Value c.10,405
-Sell value c.2,601
-Chest 85%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 0%
-Left Arm 0%
Leather Vest (1.0.12)
[Masterwork Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 21%
-Cut resistance 33%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 16pts
-Weight 1.41875 kg
-Value c.14,629
-Sell value c.3,657
-Chest 85%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 0%
-Left Arm 0%


Leather Vest

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 2
-Value c.5384
New Armour Type Leather Vest

The blueprints can be found at the Clothing Traders in The Holy Nation, Deadcat and United Cities.
