Kenshi Wiki
A chain hood.
Kusari Zukin
Slot: HEAD Type: Medium Armour

The Kusari Zukin is a Medium Armour that is equipped in the Headgear slot. It can be sold by Ronin, United Cities, and Holy Nation hat vendors. It cannot be worn by Deadhive Workers, Hive Worker Drones, and Southern Hive Worker Drones.

It has exactly the same stats as Karuta Zukin, and worth slightly less.

It can be randomly equipped by Bounty Hunters, Empire Noble Guard Hoodeds, Moon Guardians, and The Preacher.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 3x3.


A simple chainmail hood with leather pieces for trim.


This article has been updated for Kenshi version 1.0.21.
Kusari Zukin
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 1%
-Cut resistance 7%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 2pts
-Weight 4.5 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 20%
-Acid 20%
-Value c.167
-Sell value c.41
-Head 80%
Kusari Zukin
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 15%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 11pts
-Weight 4.5 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 20%
-Acid 20%
-Value c.516
-Sell value c.219
-Head 80%
Kusari Zukin
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 10%
-Cut resistance 26%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 23pts
-Weight 4.5 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 20%
-Acid 20%
-Value c.1,632
-Sell value c.408
-Head 80%
Kusari Zukin
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 16%
-Cut resistance 36%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 35pts
-Weight 4.5 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 20%
-Acid 20%
-Value c.3,493
-Sell value c.873
-Head 80%
Kusari Zukin
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 21%
-Cut resistance 47%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 47pts
-Weight 4.5 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 20%
-Acid 20%
-Value c.6,099
-Sell value c.1,524
-Head 80%
Kusari Zukin
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 25%
-Cut resistance 55%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 57pts
-Weight 4.5 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 20%
-Acid 20%
-Value c.8,542
-Sell value c.2,135
-Head 80%


Kusari Zukin

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 0
New Armour Type: Kusari Zukin

Kusari Zukin can be crafted in the Chain Armour Crafting Bench after obtaining an appropriate blueprint.


Zukin is an alternate reading for the character 「帽」 which generally means hat or headgear.
