Kenshi Wiki

Unskinned Katana.

Katanas are a class of weapons that specialize in cutting damage. They are the most common weapon type in Kenshi and their low weight makes them easy for beginners to use. They feature a two hit combo attack that makes them particularly useful when fighting an opponent one on one, but leaves their wielder vulnerable to getting hit in a massed melee.

Weapon Skill - Katana

The Katana skill determines damage with weapons classified as Katanas. The skill is defined in game as

"Affects damage. Katanas are a common weapon, and their quality varies greatly. Most are scavenged goods with a history of owners and barely good for scrap. Masterworks are around however, and their speed and cutting power is un-rivalled by any other blade."

Racial Experience Multipliers
Negative Multiplier:
-P4 Unit
-Screamer MkI
-Skeleton Log-Head MKII
-Skeleton MKII Screamer
-Skeleton No-Head MkII
-Skeleton P4MkII
Positive Multiplier:
There are no races which have positive experience multipliers for this stat.
All multipliers are either 0.8x or 1.2x unless marked otherwise.

Katana Class Weapons
