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Kenshi Wiki
This article has been updated for Kenshi version 1.0.37 (Experimental).

Iron Clubs are Blunt class weapons introduced in update 0.42. With a focus on Blunt Damage, they make decent tools for capturing bandits and other criminals for their bounties. Packs of Cannibals and Starving Bandits are known to carry these, often of the rusted variety.

This weapon has inventory dimensions of 1x7. It can be equipped in both the primary and secondary weapon slots.

The ability to make these weapons is unlocked by researching Basic Weapon Smithing.


Basic Weapon Smithing
The starting point of crafting our own weapons.

Research Level 1
Estimated Time 4 hours
Costs 2 Books
New Buildings Weapon Smithing Bench
Ability to Make Iron Club, Staff
Ability to Research Basic Weapon Grades (Tech)

This item can be crafted in various qualities using different levels of Weapon Smithing Bench.

Weapon Smith I
Iron Plates
Iron Plates

(2 required)

Iron Club
Iron Club
Weapon Smith II
Iron Plates
Iron Plates

(2 required)

Iron Club
Iron Club

(2 required)

Weapon Smith III
Steel Bars
Steel Bars

(2 required)

Iron Club
Iron Club

(2 required)


There are no Blueprints for this item available in the game.


All possible variations in an un-modded game, as of 1.0.55. Please note that the stats shown may differ slightly than in game as it tends to round values.


Rusted Junk Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0385
-Blunt damage 0.085
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Attack bonus -1
-Defence bonus -1
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 3.40
-Weight 2.00 kg
-Value c.180
-Sell value c.45
[Model # Rusted Junk]
Manufactured by Unknown
Rusting Blade Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.047
-Blunt damage 0.17
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 6.80
-Weight 3.40 kg
-Value c.198
-Sell value c.49
[Model # Rusting Blade]
Manufactured by Unknown
Mid-Grade Salvage Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.04995
-Blunt damage 0.255
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 10.20
-Weight 5.10 kg
-Value c.596
-Sell value c.149
[Model # Mid-Grade Salvage]
Manufactured by Ancient
Old Refitted Blade Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0576
-Blunt damage 0.34
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 13.60
-Weight 6.80 kg
-Value c.692
-Sell value c.173
[Model # Old Refitted Blade]
Manufactured by Ancient
Refitted Blade Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.06525
-Blunt damage 0.425
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 17.00
-Weight 8.50 kg
-Value c.826
-Sell value c.206
[Model # Refitted Blade]
Manufactured by Ancient
Catun No
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.081
-Blunt damage 0.612
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 24.48
-Weight 12.24 kg
-Value c.1,511
-Sell value c.377
[Model # Catun No.1]
Manufactured by Catun Scrapmaster
Catun No
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0895
-Blunt damage 0.714
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 28.56
-Weight 14.28 kg
-Value c.1,864
-Sell value c.466
[Model # Catun No.2]
Manufactured by Catun Scrapmaster
Catun No
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.098
-Blunt damage 0.816
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 32.64
-Weight 16.32 kg
-Value c.2,302
-Sell value c.575
[Model # Catun No.3]
Manufactured by Catun Scrapmaster
Mk I Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.115
-Blunt damage 0.85
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 34.00
-Weight 17.00 kg
-Value c.3,360
-Sell value c.840
[Model # Mk I]
Manufactured by Skeleton Smiths
Mk II Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.1235
-Blunt damage 0.935
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 37.40
-Weight 18.70 kg
-Value c.3,909
-Sell value c.977
[Model # Mk II]
Manufactured by Skeleton Smiths
Mk III Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.132
-Blunt damage 1.02
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 40.80
-Weight 20.40 kg
-Value c.4,417
-Sell value c.1,104
[Model # Mk III]
Manufactured by Skeleton Smiths
Edge Type 1 Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.1639
-Blunt damage 1.19
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 47.60
-Weight 23.80 kg
-Value c.6,076
-Sell value c.1,519
[Model # Edge Type 1]
Manufactured by Edgewalkers
Edge Type 2 Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.17325
-Blunt damage 1.275
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 51.00
-Weight 25.50 kg
-Value c.6,393
-Sell value c.1,598
[Model # Edge Type 2]
Manufactured by Edgewalkers
Edge Type 3 Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.1826
-Blunt damage 1.36
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 54.40
-Weight 27.20 kg
-Value c.6,627
-Sell value c.1,656
[Model # Edge Type 3]
Manufactured by Edgewalkers
Meitou Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.22
-Blunt damage 1.70
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 68.00
-Weight 34.00 kg
-Value c.10,072
-Sell value c.2,518
[Model # Meitou]
Manufactured by Cross


Rusted Junk Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0385
-Blunt damage 0.085
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Attack bonus -1
-Defence bonus -1
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 3.40
-Weight 2.00 kg
-Value c.603
-Sell value c.150
[Model # Rusted Junk]
Crafted by Homemade
Rusting Blade Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.047
-Blunt damage 0.17
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 6.80
-Weight 3.40 kg
-Value c.661
-Sell value c.165
[Model # Rusting Blade]
Crafted by Homemade
Mid-Grade Salvage Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0555
-Blunt damage 0.255
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 10.20
-Weight 5.10 kg
-Value c.745
-Sell value c.186
[Model # Mid-Grade Salvage]
Crafted by Homemade
Old Refitted Blade Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.064
-Blunt damage 0.34
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 13.60
-Weight 6.80 kg
-Value c.865
-Sell value c.216
[Model # Old Refitted Blade]
Crafted by Homemade
Refitted Blade Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0725
-Blunt damage 0.425
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 17.00
-Weight 8.50 kg
-Value c.1,032
-Sell value c.258
[Model # Refitted Blade]
Crafted by Homemade
Catun No
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.081
-Blunt damage 0.51
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 20.40
-Weight 10.20 kg
-Value c.1,259
-Sell value c.314
[Model # Catun No.1]
Crafted by Homemade
Catun No
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.0895
-Blunt damage 0.595
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 23.80
-Weight 11.90 kg
-Value c.1,554
-Sell value c.388
[Model # Catun No.2]
Crafted by Homemade
Catun No
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.098
-Blunt damage 0.68
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 27.20
-Weight 13.60 kg
-Value c.1,918
-Sell value c.479
[Model # Catun No.3]
Crafted by Homemade
Mk I Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.115
-Blunt damage 0.85
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 34.00
-Weight 17.00 kg
-Value c.2,800
-Sell value c.700
[Model # Mk I]
Crafted by Homemade
Mk II Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.1235
-Blunt damage 0.935
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 37.40
-Weight 18.70 kg
-Value c.3,257
-Sell value c.814
[Model # Mk II]
Crafted by Homemade
Mk III Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.132
-Blunt damage 1.02
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 40.80
-Weight 20.40 kg
-Value c.3,681
-Sell value c.920
[Model # Mk III]
Crafted by Homemade
Edge Type 1 Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.149
-Blunt damage 1.19
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 47.60
-Weight 23.80 kg
-Value c.4,340
-Sell value c.1,085
[Model # Edge Type 1]
Crafted by Homemade
Edge Type 2 Iron Club
Iron Club
[Blunt class]
-Cutting damage 0.1575
-Blunt damage 1.275
-Blood loss 0.30x
-Indoors bonus +2
-Damage vs animals -10%
-Required Strength Level 51.00
-Weight 25.50 kg
-Value c.4,566
-Sell value c.1,141
[Model # Edge Type 2]
Crafted by Homemade


  • When originally implemented Iron Clubs were classified as Sabres. This was fixed in version 0.90.0 when the Blunt class was implemented.
  • Even though there is a Meitou texture, it does not spawn in game, making it impossible to get your hands on without mods.
