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What need is there for payment, when one has the wholesome duty of carrying out Okran's Will?... This greed is to be expected of outsiders though, you have served Okran well today so I will compensate you for your expenses nonetheless. I suggest you reflect on the Scripture of Radiance Volume V, brother. Money, material goods, rewards... these earthly desires are nothing more than destructive, they will deceive you of your holy path. Do not lose your way.

–-Inquisitor lecture.

Inquisitors are elite law enforcers and commanders of the Holy Nation. They run the Holy Nation's Inquisitoriums.

Inquisitors are charged with seeking out heretics of Okran, as well as acting as the chief leaders of the Holy Army. They are also responsible for the day-to-day operation of town police stations, known as Inquisitoriums. Their duties include locking up prisoners, handling bails, and re-selling confiscated equipment.

Inquisitors are powerful warriors, even stronger than High Paladins. They have authority over High Paladins as well, often leading them on patrols. Inquisitors are therefore among the highest ranks in the Holy Nation, especially High Inquisitors, who serve as the right hand men of the Holy Phoenix.

They wear [High] armour (10% chance of [Specialist]) and have weapons manufactured by Ancient.

This character can colour armour and clothing due to a colour scheme attached. The colour is different from the faction's color as it is attached to this character rather than the faction. The color used is "Holy Nation Level 3".


  • Greenlander

Attributes Level
Strength 72 – 78
Toughness 72 – 78
Dexterity 72 – 78
Perception -2 – 4
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 72 – 78
Sabres 72 – 78
Hackers 72 – 78
Heavy Weapons 72 – 78
Blunt 72 – 78
Polearms 72 – 78
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 72 – 78
Melee Defence 72 – 78
Dodge 4.5 – 10.5
Martial Arts 4.5 – 10.5
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 72 – 78
Crossbows -2 – 4
Precision Shooting 72 – 78
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth -2 – 4
Lockpicking -2 – 4
Thievery -2 – 4
Assassination 37.5
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 72 – 78
Swimming 72 – 78
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 72 – 78
Engineer -2 – 4
Robotics -2 – 4
Science 1.2
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith -2 – 4
Armour Smith -2 – 4
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 1
Farming 1.2
Cooking 1.2

Stats randomize by 3
The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.

Player Interactions[]

Inquisitors are dismissive of female and non-human characters, so only human males can turn in bounties by speaking to them. However, a female/non-human character can still drop a bounty in a cage to automatically get the money.

When you turn in a bounty, Inquisitors don't assume you expect payment unless you ask for it. If you turn in a bounty to them without asking for payment, you will get a decent reputation boost with the Holy Nation.

Upon request, they will give bounty money, at the cost of a smaller reputation boost and a disapproving lecture.

Allying with Shek Kingdom or United Cities and then turning in bounties will only give the bounty reward but no relation boost and a dismayed lecture. Allying with Flotsam Ninja's or Anti-Slaver's then speaking to an Inquisitor will prompt an immediate attack.

If the player turns in "high-level" bounties such as Moll or Tinfist as a female or non-human, the Inquisitor will be suspicious of the player character and attempt to arrest them as well.

They are seen leading the Holy Nation Assault (Major) and the Holy Nation Assault (Inquisitor) events against a player's outpost as War Leaders. Inquisitors will also lead the Retribution of God event in case the High Inquisitor Seta is not available. In that case they will command one or two remaining squads. They will also lead the Wrath of God event under the same condition.

Inquisitors also lead patrol squads, mainly consisting of Paladins and High Paladins, roaming around Holy Nation territories.


  • Inquisitors have a higher (5) faction importance than (4) High Inquisitor Seta.