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Samurai Patrol

Imperial Lords' patrol

The Imperial Lords are a Samurai based faction that roams the lands, hunting and killing hostile factions (in the Alpha version of the game). They primarily patrol the north-western areas near Catun, Brink, Shark, and Clownsteady. Though meeting is often rare, the Imperial Lords appear to engage anyone from The Holy Empire that walks into their sight.

Later during development the Imperial Lords have morphed into the United Cities faction ruled by the Noble Circle.

The Imperial Lords can still appear in your relations if you pick The Holy Sword start.


The Imperial Lords are much fewer in numbers than The Holy Empire, however they show clear ability to wipe out entire units of The Holy Empire, with minimal issue or injury. Average stats within the Imperial Lords range from 28-37. Samurai Lords are leaders of the Imperial Lords' patrols.

Help in Game-play[]

With the powerful stats the Imperial Lords present, they are perfect units for using the 'join the army' method of starting a game, especially if you start as the retired captain.
