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Kenshi Wiki

Hydroponics are farming buildings which can be constructed after farming tech research in tech level 5. Initial research into Hydroponics concepts costs an AI Core and research into crop-specific hydroponics require 4 Ancient Science Books each.

These buildings do not rely on environment for crop yields, allowing them to be constructed in all zones as well as indoors. Unlike Rain Collectors plants can be watered by acid rain meaning that even in normally "DEAD" zones you can still grow crops on the top of your buildings. Hydroponic farms can grow the following crops: Greenfruit, Hemp, Riceweed, and Wheatstraw.

Hydroponic farms require Water and Power to grow. If there is not enough power, farms can pause growth or grow at a decreased rate.

After completing all the research, characters can build Hydroponics with 4 Iron Plates, 2 Electrical Components, and 10 of their related crop.
