Kenshi Wiki

Glory doesn't come to us. We rip it from our enemies with our own hands.


–Hundred Guardian

Hundred Guardians are the elite soldiers of the Shek Kingdom and highly skilled fighters. They are neutral but distasteful of human characters, often calling them "flatskins" like most other members of the Shek Kingdom. Their heavy armor makes them easy to outrun even for new characters.

They guard the Shek capital Admag and the city Squin, and are found as patrol leaders leading Shek Warriors.

They will never have the Maniacal or Fearful Personality.

If Esata the Stone Golem is killed or imprisoned then they will swear allegiance to Flying Bull and will start to spawn as members of the Kral's Chosen.

They wear [Standard] armour (15% chance of [High]) and have weapons manufactured by Ancient and Catun Scrapmasters.


  • Shek

Attributes Level
Strength 52.8 – 74.8
Toughness 57.6 – 81.6
Dexterity 38.4 – 54.4
Perception -9 – 11
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 48 – 68
Sabres 48 – 68
Hackers 48 – 68
Heavy Weapons 48 – 68
Blunt 48 – 68
Polearms 48 – 68
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 57.6 – 81.6
Melee Defence 48 – 68
Dodge -3.36 – 12.64
Martial Arts -4.2 – 15.8
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 48 – 68
Crossbows -9 – 11
Precision Shooting 48 – 68
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth -7.2 – 8.8
Lockpicking -9 – 11
Thievery -7.2 – 8.8
Assassination 29
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 38.4 – 54.4
Swimming 48 – 68
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 48 – 68
Engineer -9 – 11
Robotics -7.2 – 8.8
Science 0.8
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith -9 – 11
Armour Smith -9 – 11
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 0.8
Farming 0.8
Cooking 1

Stats randomize by 10
The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.


Honor. I live to fight for my allies. Just show me who I need to fight...

Once allied with the Shek Kingdom, a player can talk to wandering patrols of Hundred Guardians to ask them to bodyguard the player or guard their outpost. They will then follow the player for 72 hours or guard their outpost for 48 hours.

Note that the Hundred Guardians guarding towns can be talked to but will refuse to follow, redirecting the player to look for patrolling Hundred Guardians outside Shek cities.

My kingdom needs me, Battle Born. I must return to the Stone Golem...

Hm. Out cold?

Hm hm hm.

–Hundred Guardian guarding downed ally

Hundred Guardians will bodyguard the player for an additional 6 hours if the player's squad is downed when the bodyguard contract ends.

Skin and bones, kin...


–seeing a starving ally

Hundred Guardians will toss the player a single piece of Dried Meat if they see them starving.

Hundred Guardians can lead medium-level importance assaults against a player's outpost, the Enemy Hunt and Shek Revenge.
