Kenshi Wiki
For craftable armour, see Human Skin Suit.
Human Skin
Human Skin
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.100
-Sell value c.25
[No Armour Coverage]
The Skin Bandits need a constant supply of fresh human skin to make new suits, as they tend to rot away quite quickly.

Human Skin is a Body Armour worn by Skin Bandits. Alas it provides no actual armour protection.

This item is quite similar in appearance to the Human Skin Suit.

Contrary to popular belief, The Holy Nation will see through this disguise for some strange reason.


Just humans being humans, doing normal human things.

We are not sure why it's a separate item, all humans have one so they can do normal human things like breathing through their nostrils and singing human songs.


It cannot be crafted and can only be found in containers in Skinhouse HQ and Skinhouses.
