“ | A man with any ounce of good in him will not abandon his brothers in time of need. Be at rest now. Okran watches over you. | ” |
–Inquisitor |
Holy Nation Reinforcements is an Event that will trigger in response to the Enemy Hunt, Invincible Vengeance, and Stone Golem's Revenge events, as long as the Player is allied to the Holy Nation and the Holy Lord Phoenix is alive and free.
Once triggered the Holy Nation will send reinforcements from the location they own closest to the player's Base. While they will move faster than most hostile events, they can still arrive too late if the player's base is closer to the hostile event's spawn location than to the origin of the reinforcements. These reinforcements will consist of 4-9 Holy Servants, 10-12 Paladins, and 1-2 High Paladins, led by an Inquisitor.
Once the reinforcements arrive, they will give a short speech, and then start patrolling the player's base, attacking hostiles, defending the player's characters, and healing wounded allies.