Kenshi Wiki
Okran, I am your sword. Okran, I am your executor. And with this holy sword, retribution will be served. For the murder of Okran's apostles...

–High Inquisitor Seta

Holy Nation Assault (Inquisitor), simply referred to as 'Holy Nation Assault' in-game, is an event that can occur if the player has defeated the Holy Nation Assault (Major) event. It is closely related to, but not to be confused with, two other events of the same name, Holy Nation Assault (Minor), and Holy Nation Assault (Major).

The event cannot trigger if High Inquisitor Seta is killed or captured. (Note: The raid is supposed to be able to trigger with High Inquisitor Valtena as the leader instead, in the scenario that Seta has been killed or captured, but the game is not actually capable of triggering it despite this.)

If all the above requirements are met, The Holy Nation will launch an assault on the player's outpost in 72-200 hours. The assault will generally consist of two squads, the first made up of 5 Paladins and 3 Inquisitors led by High Inquisitor Seta, with the second having 10-12 Paladins, 1-2 High Paladins, and 4-9 Holy Servants led by an Inquisitor. Very rarely (roughly 3% chance), the assault will be accompanied by an additional squad of 10-12 Paladins, 1-2 High Paladins, and 4-9 Holy Servants led by an Inquisitor.

Once the assault arrives, the War Leader will give a short speech that changes based on your past interaction with him or the faction as a whole, then he will order his men to attack the outpost and the player characters inside it. If the raid is victorious, they will occupy the player's base, patrolling around it, using the furniture, freeing captives, and imprisoning your characters. There are no special events if it is defeated.
