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A Hive Village is a minor location controlled by the Western Hive. Currently there are 5 villages located in Vain as well as three in Dreg.

Hive Villages in Vain are often attacked by Beak Things and Gorillos. Players who are being pursued by these animals can go into Villages for protection. However, since the Hive is not an ally of the player, hivers will only enter the fight if the animal attacks a drone as well.

Hive villagers don't trade with player's hive characters because they are considered 'hiveless'. So, to trade with the hive, players must have a character of another race (human, skeleton, or shek). Hive Traders will not sell goods to any member of the player faction if they find out that there is a hiveless character in the player's squad.


Village Inhabitants[]

Worker drones act as labourers: cooking, mining, sleeping etc. They don't have any weapons. Therefore, they try to flee if they face an enemy. However, if there are no more soldier drones around, workers can steal weapons from player's unconscious characters and try to fight the enemy.

Hive traders are princes and act as usual traders. They don't sleep and can fight.

Soldier drones act in two ways: as town guards and as shop guards. Town guards fight with enemies to defend the village while shop guards will fight only to protect their shop and hive trader. In their free time, town guards patrol town and sleep. Shop guards do not leave their shops. All soldier drones are armed with unknown grade flesh cleaver, rag loincloth and basic first aid kit.
