Kenshi Wiki

Unskinned Fragment Axe.

Heavy Weapons are a class of weaponsthat specialize in brute force and heavy blunt damage. A heavy weapon will typically inflict more damage, but be slower to wield.

When using a Heavy Weapon you gain extra strength from defending and attacking.

Weapon Skill - Heavy Weapons

The Hackers skill determines damage with weapons classified as Hackers. The skill is defined in game as

"Affects damage. Most normal people struggle to even lift a full-weight heavy blade, and they require incredible strength and endurance to wield effectievly. Beginners struggled with this weapon style and face a hard path ahead. As a result living practitioners are few and many men carry them only for bluff and posturing. The real masters of this weapon however, are men to be feared."

Heavy Class Weapons

  • Fragment Axe
  • Plank