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This armour is nice and light without hampering mobility, it just does the bare essentials- it protects your heart.
Heart Protector
Slot: ARMOR Type: Light Armour

The Heart Protector is a Light Armour that is equipped in the Body Armour slot. It can be sold from Armour Shops.

It is commonly seen among bandits and rebels, most notably Blood Raiders, Dust Bandits, Dust Bandit Bowmen, the Dust King, Outlaw Swordsmen, Outlaw Swordsman Captains, Reaver Neophytes, and Rebel Swordsmen. It can be randomly equipped by Band of Bones, Drifters, Samurai Rogues, Stone Rats, Tech Hunters, Tech Hunter Ruins, and Territorial Thugs.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x4.


The Heart Protectors is depicted as two pieces of sheet metal riveted and shaped to cover the left shoulder and heart. The armor is held in place with two thick leather belts that run across the chest and over and under the right shoulder.


Heart Protector
[Prototype Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 2%
-Cut resistance 11%
-Harpoon resistance 4.5pts
-Weight 3.75 kg
-Value c.426
-Sell value c.106
-Chest 50%
-Melee defence bonus +2
Heart Protector
[Shoddy Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 8%
-Cut resistance 20%
-Harpoon resistance 18pts
-Weight 3.75 kg
-Value c.1,425
-Sell value c.356
-Chest 50%
-Melee defence bonus +2
Heart Protector
[Standard Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 16%
-Cut resistance 32%
-Harpoon resistance 36pts
-Weight 3.75 kg
-Value c.4,621
-Sell value c.1,155
-Chest 50%
-Melee defence bonus +2
Heart Protector
[High Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 25%
-Cut resistance 44%
-Harpoon resistance 54pts
-Weight 3.75 kg
-Value c.9,949
-Sell value c.2,487
-Chest 50%
-Melee defence bonus +2
Heart Protector
[Specialist Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 33%
-Cut resistance 56%
-Harpoon resistance 72pts
-Weight 3.75 kg
-Value c.17,409
-Sell value c.4,352
-Chest 50%
-Melee defence bonus +2
Heart Protector
[Masterwork Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 39%
-Cut resistance 65%
-Harpoon resistance 85.5pts
-Weight 3.75 kg
-Value c.24,402
-Sell value c.6,100
-Chest 50%
-Melee defence bonus +2


Heart Protector

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 1
New Armour Type Heart Protector

Since the Heart Protector is unlocked via the Plate Armour Crafting technology, its blueprint is of very limited use. It can be crafted using the Heavy Armour Smithy.
