Kenshi Wiki
Pads your legs, turns a potential slice into a nasty bruise.
Halfpants (padded)
Slot: PANTS Type: Light Armour

Halfpants [Padded] are Light Armour that is equipped in the Legwear slot. They are generally available at Clothing Traders. Other variants of Halfpants include: colored, ragged, reinforced and sneaky chain.


They are worn by Caravan Trader Bosses, Hive Caravan Bosses and Territorial Thugs.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x4.

They can be crafted in the Clothing Bench.


Halfpants [Padded] are ragged khaki colored pants. They are held up on the character by a black belt and have one cargo pocket on each leg about knee height. They pants are torn at the end.


This article has been updated for Kenshi version 1.0.21.
Halfpants [Padded]
[Prototype Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Cloth]
-Blunt resistance 2%
-Cut resistance 0%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.29
-Sell value c.7
-Right Leg 100%
-Left Leg 100%
Halfpants [Padded]
[Shoddy Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Cloth]
-Blunt resistance 8%
-Cut resistance 1%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.217
-Sell value c.54
-Right Leg 100%
-Left Leg 100%
Halfpants [Padded]
[Standard Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Cloth]
-Blunt resistance 16%
-Cut resistance 3%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.820
-Sell value c.205
-Right Leg 100%
-Left Leg 100%
Halfpants [Padded]
[High Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Cloth]
-Blunt resistance 24%
-Cut resistance 4%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.1,824
-Sell value c.456
-Right Leg 100%
-Left Leg 100%
Halfpants [Padded]
[Specialist Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Cloth]
-Blunt resistance 32%
-Cut resistance 6%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.3,231
-Sell value c.807
-Right Leg 100%
-Left Leg 100%
Halfpants [Padded]
[Masterwork Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Cloth]
-Blunt resistance 38%
-Cut resistance 7%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 1 kg
-Value c.4,550
-Sell value c.1,137
-Right Leg 100%
-Left Leg 100%


Halfpants [Padded]

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 2
-Value c.376
New Armour Type Halfpants [Padded]
