Kenshi Wiki

Stand guard for grievewraiths. They surely exist in the Forbidden Zone...

Shek Player Characters

Greyshelf is a zone in the southeast. It comprises the entirety of the highlands above Stobe's Gamble and is separated from Royal Valley by a mountain range. It is primarily inhabited by the Southern Hive, with their heartlands to the south of this area.

It is notable for its abundance of Gorillos and Black Gorillos. Most locations that can be found here are armouries, some of which have been claimed by the Southern Hive.

Care should be taken as Acid Rain weather effect can happen in this area.


There are no Major Towns in Greyshelf. This zone does not spawn Nests or Camps.

Minor Outposts[]

These locations are typically small towns, villages, or faction bases.

Ancient Locations[]

These are places which do not have competent inhabitants. Ancient Locations are usually lost outposts or ruins. Beware: sometimes these locations contain territorial protectors such as Security Spiders.

Homeless Spawns[]

These are squads which spawn without being tied to a location, camp, or nest. This list is in order of likelihood.


These are the modifiers which are linked to this zone on FCS.
Water 0% Fertility 0%

Environment Resources
Arid 0% Stone 50
Green 0% Iron 50
Swamp 0% Copper 60

Before building an outpost, players should find information about specific areas through Prospecting.


This zone has the 'royal valley' season. Seasons may cause harmful Weather Effects or be purely aesthetic.

  • Heavy rain ACID
  • Light rain acid
  • Light rain
  • Misty rain
  • Clear nothing


