Kenshi Wiki
Kenshi Wiki
Primarily from farmer cultures, they still tend to be an aggressive race and are easily led astray. The worst of them live in ignorance, knowing only greed and fear, reacting to anything different with hatred and violence, but the best of them are some of the greatest civilised scientists, engineers and warriors in the land.

–Game Description


Greenlander is a very common Race in Kenshi. It is a subrace of Human. Greenlanders can be found all across the game, but are most abundant in The Holy Nation.

Greenlanders have no experience rate penalties to any Statistics. This allows players to play characters of this race in any way they want without having to worry about slower leveling speed.

Health Statistics[]

Greenlanders have a blood color of rgb 128 0 0

  • Hunger rate: 1
  • Vision Range mult: 1
  • Blood: 75 - 150
  • Bleed rate: 1
  • Heal rate: 1


  • Max Speed: 26.844 mph
  • Min Speed: 15.659 mph
  • Combat move speed multi: 1


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting Severed Limbs
Head 100 80
Chest 100 140
Stomach 100 140
Right Arm 100 40 Severed Human Right Arm
Left Arm 100 80 Severed Human Left Arm
Right Leg 100 80 Severed Human Right Leg
Left Leg 100 80 Severed Human Left Leg
Severed Human Right Arm
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed right arm of a human
Severed Human Right Arm Icon
Severed Human Left Arm Icon
Severed Human Left Arm
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed left arm of a human
Severed Human Right Leg
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed right leg of a human
Severed Human Right Leg Icon
Severed Human Left Leg Icon
Severed Human Left Leg
-Weight 1kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
-Charges 10/10
The severed left leg of a human

Weather Immunity[]

Characters of this race have no special immunity to any types of Weather Effects. It is recommended that they wear weather protecting armour when entering Zones in which hazardous weather can occur.

Equipment Slots[]

Characters of this race can wear any type of equipment in these slots.

Experience Multipliers[]

All playable races have a distinct set of Statistics which they can gain experience at an increased or decreased rate. Players should pay attention to these experience multipliers and use them to their advantage.

Increased Rate[]

Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.

Decreased Rate[]

There are no Statistics which Greenlanders are penalized in.


Game Starts[]

Players can choose to start as a member of this race if this Game Start is chosen.

  • Empire Citizen
  • Guy with a dog
  • Holy Nation Citizen
  • Nobodies
  • Rock Bottom
  • Son of a Captain
  • The Cannibal Hunters
  • The Freedom Seekers
  • The Holy Sword
  • The Slaves
  • The Wandering Trader
  • Wanderer

Unique Recruits[]

These Unique Recruits can spawn as a member of this race.


These Factions have characters which can spawn as members of this race.


  • In the earliest versions of the game before it was released, this was the only available species.
  • Greenlanders have the highest bleedrate of any playable humanoid race.
  • Due to how the game saves character data, saving the game while bleeding (<'s over blood) and then loading that save causes your bleeding value to go up by 20%. This can be repeated to stack up an insane amount of bleed to kill any Greenlander after a multiple save/loads.
