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They leave you alone if you just stand still for a while.

–in-game dialogue

Garru are extremely common wild herbivorous animals. They are somewhat comically-shaped, with floppy ears, a hollow tail, a camel-like hump, wrinkly skin, and a prominent underbite. Garru often travel in herds with their young, and can be seen roaming over deserts, mountains, and wastes all over the continent. Garru are often tamed as Pack Beasts by the Traders Guild and Western Hive.

Although generally not aggressive, wild Garru can be skittish and may attack if the player or NPCs move around while very close to the herd. A party member with the Smart personality may comment, accurately, that standing still will prevent them from attacking. Simply keeping your distance is also effective. If a party member has the Maniacal or Dumb personality, they may taunt the Garru leading to a fight.  

An enraged Garru is a formidable and sturdy fighter and should not be underestimated. They can frequently be found destroying whole squads of hungry bandits tempted by their plentiful meat and occasionally triumph even over small groups of Beak Things. They have a large health pool and, like all animals, cannot be staggered, making them anything but a soft target.

Attributes Level
Melee Attack 30
Melee Defence 30
Strength 30
Dexterity 30
Toughness 30
Martial Arts 3
Athletics 30
Stats randomize by 3
Teen (0.40x) 16 days
Adult (0.60x) 24 days
Elder (1.10x) 44 days

The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Players should be aware that animal characters level up as they grow, and may be stronger or weaker depending on their current age.
Death Items
Removing these items from the creature will kill it instantly.

Item Quantity Average Price
Animal Skin
Animal Skin 3 240
Raw Meat
Raw Meat 10 60

Health Statistics[]

Garru have a blood colour of 128 0 0 RGB.

  • Hunger rate: 2.1
  • Vision Range mult: 0.5
  • Blood: 101-154
  • Bleed rate: 1
  • Heal rate: 2
  • Extra attack slots: 1


  • Speed: 12.3035 - 30.53505 mph
  • Combat Move Speed Mult: 1


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting
Head 87-266.25 100
Chest 87-266.25 100
Stomach 87-266.25 100
Right Foreleg 35-106.5 100
Left Foreleg 35-106.5 100
Right Leg 87-266.25 20
Left Leg 87-266.25 20

Damage Calculations[]

These values are for when striking a target with 0% damage resistance. Animals can have one of three qualities for their "weapon". (Moving their position in a squad, saving and then reloading can change to another quality of the weapon) Their "weapon" provides them with 9.2 cut damage as well as 13 blunt damage which is unaffected by stats.

Variant 1

Cut = 9.2 + 0.35875 (Martial Arts + Dexterity)

Blunt = 13 + Martial Arts (0.0234) + Strength (0.0702)

Variant 2

Cut = 9.2 + 0.3659 (Martial Arts + Dexterity)

Blunt = 13 + Martial Arts (0.0312) + Strength (0.0936)

Variant 3

Cut = 9.2 + 0.37305 (Martial Arts + Dexterity)

Blunt = 13 + Martial Arts (0.039) + Strength (0.117)



Spawn Groups[]

  • Garru Family (1-3 Adults, 1-3 Pups)
  • Garru Herd (4-15 Adults, 2-6 Pups)

Other Locations[]
