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You need to eat to survive. Your character simply needs food in his inventory in order to stay fed. Food in a backpack will be shared among the squad members.

Food consists of all the items in Kenshi which fill your hunger bar. A character's hunger bar is filled by 1 for every nutrition charge used. They automatically consume some food when their hunger gets below 250, unless the only types of food they have are edible ingredients. In that case, they will not eat them until the hunger level gets below 200.

Characters can eat any food in their own or their squad member's inventories, including that in their backpack. After eating, the hunger bar slowly fills up over time. Characters of different Races have different rates at which their hunger drains, which is also dependent on any action that a character is doing, i.e., it will drain more slowly if a character is idle and faster if a character is working.

It is worth noting that no food items are subject to spoilage in Kenshi. Water in any form is also not required for survival.

Types of Edible Food[]

All edible food items that are not also ingredients, displayed with their nutritional value. Items marked by an asterisk (*) can be made by the player. Please note that depending on price randomization food prices may actually differ in your game. The prices shown are the default normal prices for the foods.

Food Nutrition (Nu) Buy value (c) Sell value (c) Weight (kg) Size Buy value per Nutrition (c/Nu) Sell value per Nutrition (c/Nu) Nutrition per Size Edible by
Ancient Nutri-Rations
Ancient Nutri-Rations 125 1143 571 1 4 9.14 4.57 31.25 All
Chewsticks* 20 152 76 0.5 6 7.60 3.80 3.33 All
Cooked Vegetables
Cooked Vegetables* 25 318 159 1 9 12.72 6.36 2.78 All
Dried Fish
Dried Fish 20 360 180 1 3 18.00 9.00 6.67 All
Dried Meat
Dried Meat* 15 78 39 1 4 5.20 2.60 3.75 All
Dustwich* 70 730 365 1 6 10.43 5.21 11.67 All
Foodcube* 75 874 437 1 6 11.65 5.83 12.50 All
Foul meat
Foul Raw Meat 10 1 0 1 4 0.10 0.00 2.50 Animals, Hivers Soldier Drones, Hive Worker Drones
Gohan* 75 444 222 1 9 5.92 2.96 8.33 All
Grand Fish
Grand Fish 15 360 180 1 6 24.00 12.00 2.50 All
Meatwrap* 50 658 329 1 6 13.16 6.58 8.33 All
Ration Pack
Ration Pack 125 1143 571 1 4 9.14 4.57 31.25 All
Rice Bowl
Rice Bowl* 25 186 93 1 9 7.44 3.72 2.78 All
Thinfish 10 360 180 1 3 36.00 18.00 3.33 All

Edible Ingredients[]

These ingredients are edible but can also be further processed. Item marked by an asterisk (*) can be made by the player.



Nutrition (Nu) Buy value (c) Sell value (c) Weight (kg) Size Buy value per Nutrition (c/Nu) Sell value per Nutrition (c/Nu) Nutrition per Size Edible by Used in
Raw Meat
Raw Meat 15 60 30 1 4 4.00 2.00 3.75 Animals, Hivers, Scorchlanders Dried Meat, Meatwrap
Bread* 30 488 244 0.5 6 16.27 8.13 5 All Foodcube, Meatwrap, Dustwich

Non-Edible Ingredients[]

Not all ingredients are edible by themselves. The non-edible ingredients are listed here. All of them are either grown or otherwise made from Farming-related activities.

Ingredients Avrg. Price (.c) Weight (kg) Used in
Cactus 15 1 Chewsticks, Dustwich
Greenfruit 30 0.5 Cooked Vegetables, Foodcube, Gohan
Riceweed 13 0.5 Gohan, Rice Bowl
Strawflour 400 4 Bread
Water 25 10 Mostly in cooking and watering (farming)
Wheatstraw 40 1 Strawflour


  • The food system was first introduced in the v0.90 beta update.