Kenshi Wiki

Old ruins. You gotta look at a map, go way out into the furthest reaches of the ass end of nowhere, the more dangerous the better, and then look around for old ruins and stuff.

–Ronin Construction Trader

Dead Workshop is an Ancient Location in The Pits East. This workshop is a large, hangar-like structure.

This location is one of the few reliable places to obtain Engineering Research. Similar locations are the Deadland Workshops, Post-Ancient Workshop, and Workshop Complex. All of them can be marked by reading the Engineers Map.


This location can spawn 0 to 10 Soldierbots.

Item Spawns[]

This location has a gear artifacts value of 25,000 Cats and an item artifacts value of 10,000 Cats, meaning it will spawn additional items through the Artifacts system.

Possible Stock

Item Average Price Chance
Book c.300 Common
Copper Alloy Plates
Copper Alloy Plates c.608 Common
CPU Unit
CPU Unit c.6,000 Common
Crossbow Parts
Crossbow Parts c.408 Uncommon
Damaged Book
Damaged Book c.6 Common
Electrical Components
Electrical Components c.216 Common
Engineering Research
Engineering Research c.8,000 Uncommon
Fuel c.192 Common
Gears c.162 Common
Generator Core
Generator Core c.2,755 Common
Hacksaw c.72 Common
Hinge c.81 Common
Iron Plates
Iron Plates c.135 Common
Motor c.421 Common
Power Core
Power Core c.3,000 Common
Press c.324 Uncommon
Robotics Components
Robotics Components c.2,838 Common
Skeleton Repair Kit
Skeleton Repair Kit c.4,341 Common
Spring Steel
Spring Steel c.259 Uncommon
Steel Bars
Steel Bars c.648 Common
Tools c.240 Common
Empty Workshop

Total item count: 15

Refresh time: 2499 hours

Workshop with 0 to 10 Soldierbots

Total item count: 30

Refresh time: 50 hours
