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If you set up base too near to other outposts, cannibal villages or bandit camps, be prepared for the consequences. |
Anticipated or ongoing Events can be found on the right side of the Factions window. Events include scheduled visits to a player's outpost by another faction and ongoing Bodyguard Jobs. The timer will show how much time is left until an event starts or the time left on a Bodyguard job.
Information regarding only one bodyguard job will be presented at a time, although the player can have multiple bodyguards hired at once. In contrast, several different visits can be scheduled and listed in the Events list. Since animals give no notice of their plans to visit a player outpost, raids by Blood Spiders and River Raptors will not appear in this menu.
Bodyguards are characters that are set to guard members of your faction or your outpost for a limited amount of time. They can either be hired or will join you as allies out of their own free will. Once you have acquired a bodyguard, an Event will be shown under the Faction tab stating the number of hours before they leave. Some bodyguards, depending on personality, may stay longer if all members of the player's squad are KOed upon expiry of contract. For a full list of characters capable of being bodyguards, see Bodyguards.
Mercenaries are bodyguards that are usually hired at bars using cats. They usually give a choice between bodyguarding the player or their nearest outpost.
- Mercenary Guild - after talking to a Mercenary Captain or a Human Mercenary squad leader. The Human Mercenary variant is only found in The Holy Nation. They cost 1000 cats per day up to two days to guard the player, and 2000 cats every two days up to eight days to guard the player's outpost.
- Tech Hunters - after talking to a Drifter squad leader of this faction that are found in bars. They cost the same as normal mercenaries.
- Cannibal Hunters - after talking to a Cannibal Hunter squad leader. They cost 3000 cats per day to guard the player, and 3000 cats every two days up to eight days to guard the player's outpost.
- Black Dogs - after talking to a Black Dog Bodyguard trying to extort the player. They cost 2500 cats per day to guard the player, and upon completion of the contract will demand an exit fee of 700 cats, or can be re-hired. Note that refusing to pay the exit fee or not hiring them in the first place will cause them to attack. They also have a unique bodyguard event where they show up at a player's outpost to extort protection. This will cost 4000 cats for two days, but can be lowered down to 3500 or 3000 cats.
If a player has allied with these factions, some of their patrols can be asked to follow the player or may randomly follow the player on their own.
- Anti-Slavers - if Big Bo is in the squad, she will sometimes hail Anti-Slaver squads for three days (interestingly may include Tinfist's squad //confirm). Alternatively, if the player has taken down any high-ranking UC leader or noble groups, random Anti-Slaver squads will also bodyguard the player for three days.
- Crab Raiders - random protection from Crab Raider patrols. They will guard the crabbed for 6 hours.
- Flotsam Ninjas - after showing Note From Moll to Flotsam Ninja squad leaders consisting of more than 4 individuals in a patrol.
- Rebel Farmers - after speaking to a patrolling Rebel Farmer squad leader. If the option implying importance they will bodyguard the player for three days, else they may refuse or only bodyguard the player for one day.
- Rebel Swordsmen - after speaking to a Rebel Captain squad leader that is not guarding a town. They will bodyguard the player for one day.
- Shek Kingdom - after speaking to a Hundred Guardian squad leader that is not guarding a town. They will bodyguard the player for 3 days or defend the player's outpost for two days.
- Starving Bandits - after giving food to the leader of patrol (don't expect them to last long).
- The Holy Nation - showing the Holy Seal to a Paladin patrol leader. They will bodyguard the player for 36 hours.
- United Cities - random protection from patrols, usually led by a Samurai Sergeant (Samurai Rogues can technically bodyguard the player, if they are somehow allied to UC while the conditions for Rogues to spawn are met). They will bodyguard the player for three days.
Unique bodyguard events with special "contract" conditions.
- Tech Hunter Ruins - if the player finds a lone tech hunter near ancient ruins, they may be able to talk to them. Accepting their company will cause them to bodyguard the player for 24 hours.
- Error_Code_0xFFFFFF - after being seen by them. They ally themselves to the player character that saw them with a bodyguard "contract" that lasts over a hundred in-game years.
Types of Outpost Visits/Assaults: Major Factions[]
Major factions visit the player's outpost for a multitude of reasons. The most common reason for a visit is when a major faction establishes that another settlement has sprung up in previously barren land and that it has to be included in their sphere of influence. Each major faction will send representatives of their government to demand a token of loyalty of a new settlement to their authority. Should this gesture of obedience be refused, the major powers will then visit player's outpost for a second reason - to destroy and pillage the upstart criminal. These assaults can only be stopped by destroying the key figures of the major power that sends them. Destroying key figures will bring about their own special "visit" events in retaliation.

This map shows the extent where tax/tribute events will trigger

This map shows the extent where major factions will hunt down enemies of their faction.
The Holy Nation[]
- Holy Assault - Suppression event, having hostile relations with the faction.
- Holy Nation Assault (Minor) - Suppression event, numerous sources including failing Prayer Day, having no men at the outpost, or having non-humans.
- Holy Nation Assault (Major) - Retaliation event, defeating Holy Assault, Holy Nation Assault (Minor), or Holy Nation Assault (Major) events.
- Holy Nation Assault (Inquisitor) - Retaliation event, defeating Holy Nation Assault (Major) event.
- Prayer Day - Tax event, living near the faction's territory.
- Retribution of God - Retaliation event, defeating High Inquisitor Seta, High Inquisitor Valtena, or both.
- Wrath of God - Retaliation event, kill or kidnap the Holy Lord Phoenix.
Shek Kingdom[]
- Enemy Hunt - Suppression event, having hostile relations with the faction.
- Invincible Vengeance - Retaliation event, defeating Esata the Stone Golem.
- Return For Blood - Suppression event, refusing to provide tribute in the Tribute Round or Return For Tribute events.
- Return For Tribute - Tax event, accepting to provide tribute in the Tribute Round event.
- Shek Challengers - Retaliation event, defeating Enemy Hunt, Return For Blood, Return For Tribute, Shek Revenge, or Tribute Round events.
- Shek Revenge - Retaliation event, defeating Enemy Hunt, Invincible Vengeance, Shek Challengers, Shek Revenge, or Stone Golem's Revenge events.
- Stone Golem's Revenge - Retaliation event, defeating Bayan or Seto.
- Tribute Round - Tax event, living near the faction's territory.
United Cities[]
- Drug Bust - Getting caught growing or processing Hemp.
- Elite Hunter Assault - Suppression event, having hostile relations with the faction.
- Eyegore's Assault - Retaliation event, defeating Longen or Tengu.
- Noble's Wrath - Retaliation event, harming, stealing from, or disrespecting a noble.
- Noble's Wrath Assault - Retaliation event, killing a noble.
- Tax Collector - Tax event, accepting to pay taxes in Tax Collector or Tax Man Visit event, or failing a Tax Evasion Enforcement event.
- Tax Evasion Enforcement - Suppression event, refusing to pay taxes in Tax Collector or Tax Man Visit events.
- Tax Man Visit - Tax event, living near the faction's territory.
- United Cities Assault - Retaliation event, defeating Drug Bust or Tax Evasion Enforcement events.
Types of Outpost Visits/Assaults: Minor Factions[]
Minor factions will visit the player's outpost for either taxing, raiding, or trading. They can also send retaliatory events after the player affects a world state.
Tax Events[]
- Bandit Demands - Dust Bandits, living near the faction's territory.
- Hound Check In - Hounds, living near the faction's territory while allied.
- Hound's Welcome - Hounds, living near the faction's territory.
- Stone Rat Visit - Stone Rats, living near the faction's territory.
- Traders Guild Visit - Traders Guild, living near the faction's territory.

This map shows the extent to which caravans can visit the player's base.
Caravan Events[]
- Beast Trader - Nomads, living near the faction's territory.
- Caravan Visit - Traders Guild, living near the faction's territory.
- Farm Trader - Western Hive, living near the faction's territory.
- Materials Trader - Western Hive, living near the faction's territory.

This map shows the extent that factions will attack the player's base unprovoked.
Unprovoked Attack Events[]
- Bandit Raid - Black Dragon Ninjas, living near the faction's territory.
- Blooded Raid - Reavers, living near the faction's territory.
- Cannibal Raid - Cannibals, living near the faction's territory.
- Coast Raid - Fishmen, living near the faction's territory (currently unable to trigger due to a bug).
- Crab Tournament - Crab Raiders, having your base spotted by members of the faction.
- Crabbed Ones - Crab Raiders, living near the faction's territory.
- Mighty Canhead - Cannibals, living near the faction's territory.
- Ninja Raid - Sand Ninjas, living near the faction's territory.
- Raid - Band of Bones, living near the faction's territory.
- Red Sabre Raid - Red Sabres, living near the faction's territory.
- Scrawny Raid - Cannibals, living near the faction's territory.
- Shek Proving - Kral's Chosen, living near their territory.
- Skin Harvest - Skin Bandits, living near the faction's territory.
- Slave Raid - Slave Traders, living near the faction's territory.
- Southern Hive Visit - Southern Hive, living near the faction's territory.
- The Big Skin Harvest - Skin Bandits, living near the faction's territory or defeating the Skin Harvest event.
- The Fog - Fogmen, living near the faction's territory.
Retaliation Events[]
- Bandit Rage - Dust Bandits, stabbing the Dust Boss during the Bandit Demands event.
- Cannibal Swarm - Cannibals, defeating the Cannibal Raid or Scrawny Raid events.
- Challenger of the Undefeated - Berserkers, defeating the Bugmaster.
- Hive Attack - Southern Hive, kidnapping the Queen of the South.
- Hive Attack - Western Hive, kidnapping The Queen.
- Hive Eviction - Southern Hive, defeating the Southern Hive Visit event.
- Jonin Assault - Anti-Slavers, defeating Bo, Jaeger, and Grey, or defeating Tinfist.
- Revenge of the Hounds - Hounds, having hostile relations with the faction, or defeating Big Grim.
- Shek Challenge - Kral's Chosen, defeating the Bugmaster, Esata the Stone Golem, or Holy Lord Phoenix.
- Shek Challengers - Band of Bones, defeating a Raid or Shek Challengers event.
- Slave Capture - Slave Traders, harbouring escaped slaves.
- Stone Rat Assault - Stone Rats, defeating Stone Rat Assault or Stone Rat Visit events.
- Thug Attack - United Heroes League, refusing to pay membership fees in Traders Guild Visit event, or defeating the Thug Attack event.
Types of Outpost Visits/Assaults: Ally Reinforcements[]
Some allied factions have reinforcement events, which will trigger in response to certain hostile events from mutual enemy factions. They will attempt to reach your base before the incoming hostile event does, though they may fail if their own territory is too far away. If more than one allied reinforcement event is valid for a specific hostile event, all valid allied reinforcements will be sent.
- Anti-Slaver Reinforcements - Triggering the Eyegore's Assault, Noble's Wrath, or Noble's Wrath Assault events.
- Flotsam Ninja Reinforcements - Triggering the Holy Assault, Holy Nation Assault (Inquisitor), Retribution of God, or Wrath of God events.
- Holy Nation Reinforcements - Triggering the the Enemy Hunt, Invincible Vengeance, or Stone Golem's Revenge events.
- Hound Reinforcements - Triggering the Bandit Raid or Red Sabre Raid events.
- Rebel Farmers Reinforcements - Triggering the Eyegore's Assault, Noble's Wrath, or Noble's Wrath Assault events.
- Shek Kingdom Reinforcements - Triggering the Eyegore's Assault, Holy Assault, Holy Nation Assault (Inquisitor), Noble's Wrath, Noble's Wrath Assault, Retribution Of God, or Wrath Of God events.
- United Cities Reinforcements - Triggering the Holy Assault, Holy Nation Assault (Inquisitor), Jonin Assault, Retribution Of God, or Wrath Of God events.
Types of Outpost Visits/Assaults: Base Attacks[]

This map shows all of the regions where base attacks can spawn.
Base Attacks are not technically part of the events system, but have similar interactions with player bases. They are wandering squads that spawn in the wilderness, and actively seek out and assault player owned bases if they are nearby. Sometimes these can also be affected by world states, generally the killing or capturing of said faction's leader or leaders will stop these types of squads from spawning, though rarely it is the status of other faction's characters. There is a setting to change the frequency of these attacks in the options menu.
The following factions have squads with this behavior:
- Band of Bones
- Black Dragon Ninjas
- Crab Raiders
- Dust Bandits
- Gorrillo Bandits
- Grass Pirates
- Rebel Farmers
- Red Sabres
- Shrieking Bandits
- Skeleton Bandits
- Skeleton Legion
- Southern Hive
- Spiders
- Starving Bandits
- Swamp Ninjas
- Thrall Masters
- Vagrants
- Western Hive (Only after death or capture of The Queen)
- Wolves
- Yabuta Outlaws (Only after Yabuta of the Sands is freed)